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'OH MY GOD GET OFF OF ME. WHAT THE FUCK? I'M CALLING THE POST OFFICE. YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL.' Mingi sighed as Hongjoong swatted aimlessly at him, continuing to yell absolute nonsense while he did so.

'Hongjoong. Hongjoong, it's me, Mingi. I'm not going to hurt you. I just don't think you should be out here all night. Please, let me take you home.' Mingi tried to be as gentle as he could while trying to lift Hongjoong into his arms. However, Hongjoong didn't make it very easy, squirming and wriggling in an attempt to go back to his sleeping position next to a dumpster.

'Min...Min Yoongi is really hot.' Hongjoong mumbled against Mingi's chest, seeming to have calmed down.

'I agree. Let's get you to bed baby.' Mingi placed a soft kiss on Hongjoong's forehead and the only response he received was a muffled 'Mhmm.'

As drunk and incoherent as the boy in his arms was, he was still the most beautiful person Mingi had ever seen.

'Now, where the fuck is your dorm room?' Mingi sighed in defeat. After allegedly harassing Hongjoong's friend, bribing a security guard and dealing with multiple smacks to the face, courtesy of Kim Hongjoong, Mingi was a little tired.

Instead of spending an eternity trying to figure out which dorm room was Hongjoong's, Mingi decided he would just take Hongjoong to his house. He could bring Hongjoong back to his beloved dumpster in the morning when the alcohol wore off. He placed the now sleeping boy in the passenger seat of his car and buckled the seatbelt for him. Hongjoong let out a sleepy whine at the loss of Mingi's arms around him but didn't wake.

Moments later, the sound of the car roaring to life awoke Hongjoong and he looked at Mingi with nothing but confusion in his bloodshot eyes. Mingi prepared for another onslaught of smacks but they didn't come.

'Are we going to the zoo?' Hongjoong mumbled sleepily. Mingi chuckled. Drunk Hongjoong was mean but he was also adorable.

'No, baby. We're going home.' Hongjoong nodded and curled up to lay his head on Mingi's shoulder. It was probably very dangerous to drive in that position but Mingi didn't have the heart to move him.

Death was better than Kim Hongjoong being sad.

'Mingi? Is there soap in your hair?' Hongjoong wondered aloud. Mingi closed his eyes in embarrassment, partly because Hongjoong's voice in his ear had sent chills down his spine but also, because the thought of how he had raced to be here was rather funny now that he knew Hongjoong was safe.

'It's a really long story.' Mingi answered but Hongjoong didn't hear him. He was already asleep and he remained asleep all the while Mingi drove them to his house, carried Hongjoong up the stairs and tucked him in bed. Mingi really hoped this level of unresponsiveness was normal and that Hongjoong was okay.

Mingi took another shower, drank two cups of coffee and yet Hongjoong had not stirred from where Mingi had tucked him into bed. Mingi was beginning to get a little worried, even though there was probably no valid reason to be. People got drunk all the time. Hongjoong wasn't people.

Mingi sat on the edge of the bed, Hongjoong's feet in his lap, googling symptoms of alcohol poisoning. He really hated webMD right now.

'Mingi?' Mingi practically threw his phone away and scooted closer to the blonde boy in his bed.

'Yes? How do you feel? Can you breathe? Do you feel like there's enough blood going to your brain? What's two percent of a hundred?' Hongjoong didn't seem to appreciate the volume Mingi was speaking in because he buried his head in the pillow with an annoyed huff.

'I feel...death.' Hongjoong's muffled voice was quite comical but Mingi didn't dare to laugh. This situation seemed somehow very serious.

'I'll make coffee again. I made us coffee earlier but then you didn't wake up so I drank both.' Mingi explained, getting up to go to the kitchen.

'No.' Hongjoong's hand reached blindly for Mingi's.

'Stay.' Hongjoong whispered.

Mingi stayed, wrapping Hongjoong in his arms as the older boy fell asleep once again. Finally, Mingi let himself relax. Everything was going to be okay. At least, it felt like it was.

'I love you.' Mingi whispered. He didn't expect Hongjoong to answer but somehow, the blonde boy in his arms always managed to surprise him.

'I love you too.'

A/N: HELLO IM SORRY I'VE BEEN GONE FOR TWO WEEKS BUT I'M HERE TO STAY NOW I PROMISE OK PLS FORGIVE ME THANXX 🥺 ok but how does this book have 5K reads I'm literally in shock. Thank you, I love u. 🖤


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