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Hongjoong took a deep breath before opening the bathroom door to reveal a rather concerned Mingi.

'Are you okay?' Hongjoong was slightly taken aback by how nervous Mingi seemed as he scratched his head. Maybe Hongjoong wasn't alone in his gay panic.

'Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, don't worry about it.' Hongjoong smiled up at the taller boy, hoping it would ease the tension.

'Okay. I just,' Mingi sighed and looked down at his feet, 'I didn't really think before asking you to come over and so, um, I wanted to make sure I wasn't going too fast for you? I don't do this very often you know. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. So if you want me to take you home or we can just...'

'You're hotter in person,' Hongjoong blurted out before he could stop himself.

'Wait, does that mean you don't want to leave or...' Mingi's voice trailed off as though he wasn't even sure of his own words anymore.

'I...never mind. I don't know why I said that but my friend said...' Before Hongjoong could finish throwing Wooyoung under the metaphorical bus, Mingi's lips crashed into his and all thoughts immediately disappeared.

Reluctantly, Mingi pulled away for a second to make sure Hongjoong wanted this as much as he did. Relief flooded through Mingi's body as Hongjoong's fingers clawed at the fabric of Mingi's shirt, pulling the taller boy into another kiss.

Mingi pressed his lips to the underside of Hongjoong's jaw and the blonde tilted his head back, letting out a soft gasp. Mingi made his way down Hongjoong's neck, nipping and biting at the skin in ways that would surely leave marks but neither of them could care about that right then. In a moment of bravery, Hongjoong circled his hips and received a groan in response.

"We should stop. We just met," Mingi managed to say, a breathy whimper escaping his lips as Hongjoong's fingers tugged at his shirt.

"I want you. I want this.' Hongjoong whined. That was all it took. Somehow, Mingi managed to guide them to the bed, hands and lips never leaving Hongjoong's body.

Hongjoong's fingers reached for the hem of Mingi's shirt once again and this time there was no stopping its removal. Their clothes became a pile on the bedroom floor and soon the only thing between them was Hongjoong's jeans.

'God you're perfect,' Mingi mumbled, fumbling with the button of Hongjoong's pants as he spoke. Hongjoong only hummed in response, not trusting himself to speak. Mingi placed a soft kiss to the inside of Hongjoong's thigh and slowly crept higher, causing every muscle in the older boy's body to clench in pleasure.

With that, Hongjoong had had enough of the teasing. He wrapped his legs around Mingi's waist flipping them over, relishing in the momentary shock that flashed in the brunette's eyes. With a confident smirk, he began to lick and nip his way down to Mingi's dick.

"Fuck," Mingi breathed as Hongjoong flicked his tongue against the tip before taking it into his mouth. Mingi's hands instinctively wound into Hongjoong's hair, thin fingers latching onto his blonde locks. Mingi squirmed under him as Hongjoong bobbed his head up and down.

With one final swirl of his tongue, Hongjoong raised his head and gave Mingi a look that screamed fuck me. Mingi was happy to oblige, reaching towards his night table to grab the lube he kept there just in case.

"I thought you didn't do this often," Hongjoong teased, voice wavering as Mingi flipped them over once again.

"What can I say baby? I like to be prepared," Mingi purred, slipping a lubed finger inside Hongjoong, smirking in accomplishment as the boy arched his back and closed his eyes. Soon there were two fingers and then three. Mingi took his time prepping the older boy, using the opportunity to assert his dominance.

Hongjoong let out an animalistic moan as Mingi replaced the fingers with his dick, leaning down to kiss Hongjoong's neck as he did so. What felt like seconds later, Hongjoong was a shaking mess, every thrust sending a fresh wave of pleasure through his body. Mingi's hands dug into Hongjoong's sides as the blonde wrapped his legs around the other's waist.

'I can't. I'm,' Hongjoong couldn't think straight, but he didn't have to.

'It's okay baby. Come for me.' Hongjoong obeyed, lips parting in a silent cry as he orgasmed. Mingi followed soon after, the feeling of Hongjoong squirming under him pushing him over the edge.

They both collapsed against each other, trying to catch their breath before Mingi spoke.

'And I thought you were an innocent, little angel.' Mingi teased.

'I am. Usually.' Hongjoong smiled tiredly as Mingi ruffled his blonde locks playfully.

'Damn, what was in that coffee?' Mingi wondered aloud as Hongjoong curled up in his arms.

'Told you it was special.' Hongjoong murmured before letting his eyes close.

A/N: I tried. I really did. I've never done this before and it's probably terrible but you know what, it's all I have to offer. I hope you enjoyed anyway. 🖤


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