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Well, for starters I'm very disappointed that you didn't ask me before making our relationship public.
But I'm nice so I'll let you make it up to me. You can start by telling me your name.

Suddenly, Hongjoong had forgotten his own name. Slowly, he gulped and began to type, thankful that texts wouldn't convey what an absolute nervous wreck he was.

I'm Hongjoong

Hi, Hongjoong. I'm Mingi.

I know that

Well you spelt it wrong in your username so I thought I'd put it out there again

I'm so sorry

Don't be.
You have me considering changing my stage name. Imagine a crowd chanting 'gay' whenever I get up to perform.
A dream.

I have the whole Mingay brand copyrighted so I'll be seeing you in court

As long as I get to see you

Hongjoong gasped. Was Song Mingi flirting with him? Why? How? What was oxygen and why was it not reaching his lungs? Hongjoong might have passed out right then and there if it wasn't for his phone buzzing again.

So what do you do when you're not thirsting over me? Or is that a full-time job?

Excuse me I do not thirst over you.
I simply admire everything about you. That's wasn't a crime last time I checked.

Whatever helps u sleep at night princess.
What do you do when you're not admiring everything about me?

Princess? Did Mingi just call Hongjoong princess? More importantly, why did Hongjoong like it? With his mind threatening to shut down, the flustered boy decided to ignore the first message and type the simplest answer possible for the second.

I study music at KARTS.

So we're in the same city.
Maybe we won't have to resort to legal action to see each other.

Seoul's a big city though

I'll find you.
I hope you have a good day, Hongjoong.

You too! Good luck with your performance and stuff.


Hongjoong smacked himself in the head with his phone. Both him and the cursed device deserved it. Why did he have to be so absolutely terrible at making conversation?

'In my defence I'm trying to make conversation with one of the most beautiful men on earth. And it's not like I flirt with people a lot. And he called me princess and that's totally not fair. But that's really no excuse for saying good luck with your performance and stuff. That's nothing but my own idiocy,' Hongjoong sighed.

He was really standing in a bathroom, talking to himself and that, in his mind, was clear reason as to why he needed help.

A/N: Halfway through writing this chapter, I realised this book has over a 100 reads and that's insane to me. I have no words so I'll just say thank you for giving me and my mediocre writing a chance. I love you!

 I love you!

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