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Mingi ran his thumb across Hongjoong's cheek as he pulled the older boy closer. Hongjoong's eyes fluttered in surprise as their lips met. Mingi gasped as Hongjoong curled his hands in the taller boy's hair. He let his lips travel to Hongjoong's neck, placing not so gentle kisses along the way. Hongjoong let out a soft moan and Mingi was sure that it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.

The sun shone through Mingi's bedroom window, pulling the boy out of the heaven of his dreams. This was what happened when you ate a whole pint of ice cream at midnight. You dreamt dreams that you shouldn't be dreaming.

Even as Mingi scolded himself for being so entirely irresponsible, his mind continued to replay the events of his dream. It was as though his brain was taunting him with the idea that, no matter how badly Mingi wanted it to be, none of it had been real. Sighing, he dragged himself into the bathroom to take the coldest of showers.

'You've seen two pictures of this boy and spoken to him on Instagram thrice. Calm down.' Leedo sipped his coffee calmly, as though Mingi hadn't just poured his heart out to him. The two of them sat in Mingi's kitchen, drinking coffee and catching up after the month that Leedo had spent touring the US with his group.

'I know but I can't help it.' Mingi stared intently into his own cup of coffee, avoiding his friend's rather judgemental gaze.

'I think you have what I'm going to call Soloist Syndrome.' Leedo placed his cup down, ready to launch into a long-winded explanation.

'That sounds like a disease.'

'Do you want my help or not?' Leedo crossed his arms defensively.

'Okay, okay I'm sorry. I won't interrupt again.'

'Good,' Leedo carefully moved his empty coffee cup away and continued, 'Soloist Syndrome is something that occurs when you live alone, work alone and your only friends are ones you see once a month. You get lonely, therefore you fall for random boys on the internet.'

'So, what do I do about it now, genius?' As annoyed as Mingi sounded, he did somewhat agree with Leedo. However, that didn't make the solution to Mingi's dilemma any clearer. He was already way beyond the point where he could prevent himself from falling for Hongjoong.

'There are two ways we can approach this.' Mingi groaned but Leedo ignored him entirely, clearly way too invested in his explanation. 'First, you can cut off all contact and erase all proof that any of this happened. Maybe even slam your head against a wall a few times and hope that you'll forget.'

'I hate you, Leedo. Get out of my house.'

'The second way is less extreme. I promise.'

'Sure it is,' Mingi scoffed.

'You can let yourself fall for him. I mean, you're almost completely whipped for him. Why not let it happen? You won't be lonely anymore. Suddenly, your Soloist Syndrome is cured and you have a cute boyfriend.' Leedo raised his eyebrows suggestively as he said the words cute boyfriend and Mingi had to resist the urge to slam Leedo's head against a wall.

'It's really interesting how neither of those plans take into account the homophobia and lack of career I'm going to have to deal with.' Mingi's heart hurt a little at the thought.

'Hey, I never claimed that my solutions were perfect. It's up to you to decide if he's worth it.' Leedo shrugged.

'Wow Leedo, you're so helpful and such a good friend.' Mingi's voice was practically dripping with sarcasm.

'I know I am. Now, stop staring at your coffee and drink it so we can go play laser tag.' Leedo pointed a finger gun at Mingi and winked.

'I can't wait to shoot you.' Mingi said as he brought his coffee cup to his lips, shaking his head. He hated to admit it, but Leedo had a point. Just how much was Mingi actually willing to risk for Hongjoong?

A/N: hi! So here onwards is where the book begins to get a little...hot? (Still a couple chapters away but anyways, let me say it so no one can say I didn't put a disclaimer.)
I will be warning you in the event of actual smut in case you'd rather not read that so don't worry! Thank you for reading! 🖤
Here's a random meme from my camera roll since this chapter had no pictures.

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