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Hongjoong's alarm was louder than usual, for the obvious reason that he had fallen asleep with his phone clutched in his hands. Not that Hongjoong would admit it, but he had held his breath as he checked his phone. He was greeted by nonsense messages from the groupchat, frustrated texts from Yunho who was still without his books and the daily good morning text from his mom.

Nothing from Mingi.

Of course there was no text from Mingi. Hongjoong scolded himself for hoping there would be. An idol had better things to do than discuss marriage with a random fan. Still, as Hongjoong got ready for his first class of the day, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness.

The notifications from Hongjoong's followers had begun to pour in from the second he had pressed post, but he didn't have the time to respond to the numerous questions he was getting, let alone the comments calling him a liar

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The notifications from Hongjoong's followers had begun to pour in from the second he had pressed post, but he didn't have the time to respond to the numerous questions he was getting, let alone the comments calling him a liar. Hongjoong turned his phone off and slipped it into his pocket. He had a test to fail.

San kicked the back of Hongjoong's chair repeatedly, slowly driving the older boy insane. When the language professor had finally collected all the test papers, Hongjoong wasted no time in spinning around to glare at San.

'What?' He asked as Wooyoung and Yeosang leaned in closer to them, as though the conversation San and Hongjoong were about to have was somehow of utmost importance.

'So, did Mr Universal Star text you back?' San raised an eyebrow, knowing very well his question was causing Hongjoong's cheeks to turn a soft shade of red.

'No, and it's none of your business. Didn't all of you make fun of me having a fan page while being in my twenties just days ago?' Hongjoong turned back around and grabbed his bag to leave before any of his friends could reply.

'Well, I guess our little Joongie is going to be single for another decade,' Yeosang put his hand to his chest, pretending to be heartbroken.

Hongjoong shook his head in annoyance as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned it on. He froze. He could faintly hear his friends asking if he was okay and warning him that he would be late to his next class.

'Yeah. Yeah, I'll catch up.' Hongjoong murmured, walking away from his friends, with the sole purpose of locking himself in a bathroom to process what had just happened.

Mingiofficial sent you a message.

A/N: I'm probably going to be updating this more often because I'm really excited what's to come. So, stay tuned and thank u for reading.

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