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At least to some extent, Hongjoong had indeed been corrupted

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At least to some extent, Hongjoong had indeed been corrupted. For some unexplained reason, alcohol didn't taste as bad as it usually did and Hongjoong found himself slurring words even before they arrived at the party.

Usually, Hongjoong would avoid the dance floor like the plague but here he was, in the midst of a crowd of people, dancing to Cherry Bomb.

'What's gotten into you?' Yunho yelled over the music, laughing at the way the shorter boy squinted at him in response. The music switched to a Blackpink song and Hongjoong was immediately distracted.

'I'm going to get married. I'm going to marry whoever made this playlist.' Hongjoong vowed, only half aware of the fact that he was screaming.

'I accept your proposal.' Hongjoong nearly fell over trying to turn to face the owner of the voice. Hongjoong's blurry eyes slowly focused on the tall blonde that stood before him, holding back a laugh. Hongjoong thought he looked familiar but he had no idea why.

'We should get you some water.' The look of concern on this unknown boy's face reminded Hongjoong of Mingi and suddenly he felt queasy. He turned back around to find Yunho but his blue haired friend was nowhere to be found.

'I need new friends,' Hongjoong mumbled as the pounding of his head only got worse.

'Hey, it's okay. We'll find your friends.' While they were in a crowd of nearly a hundred people, even in his inebriated state Hongjoong knew it wasn't the best idea to trust strangers.

'I'm Hyunjin by the way. Chris' friend.' Hongjoong relaxed. So that was where he knew him from. Hongjoong barely had time to scold himself for being so bad at remembering names before Hyunjin was escorting him away from the dance floor.

Soon, Hongjoong sat on an olive green beanbag, sipping the water Hyunjin had brought him.

'So, San and Wooyoung are making out. I think Yunho and Jongho are losing terribly at beer pong and I have not seen Seonghwa or Yeosang since you all came here. Actually, I don't know if they ever even were here? So I can just take you back to the dorms if you're okay with that?' Hyunjin tucked a strand of his blonde hair behind his ear and Hongjoong realised he had really long fingers; just like Mingi.

'No, you don't have to come with me. I can ... I'll be okay.' Hongjoong knew he didn't sound very convincing but he couldn't do any better considering he was currently seeing everything in what could only be described as 2002 Nokia camera quality.

'Well I'm kind of over this party so I'm going to walk back to campus. If you don't come with me, who's going to protect me and my beautiful face?' Hongjoong couldn't deny that Hyunjin's face was indeed very beautiful.

Maybe it was the alcohol, or the fact that Hongjoong couldn't stop thinking about Mingi no matter how hard he tried, but he found himself kissing Hyunjin. Despite the fact that Hongjoong had taken both of them by complete surprise, the taller blonde kissed him back. Hyunjin's lips tasted like cherries and alcohol and Hongjoong couldn't help but think about how Mingi's had tasted like coffee.

'Shall we get out of here?' Hyunjin's whisper in Hongjoong's ear sent shivers down his spine and did nothing to help his hindered judgement.

'Mmhmm,' Hongjoong murmured in agreement, taking Hyunjin's hand and letting himself be led away from the party.

A/N: hi! it's literally 6am when I'm finishing this omg the clownery. 😍 I had so much to do in the day I literally stayed up to write this so y'all better be grateful. Jk this is really fun n I stayed up willingly. Love u!
(Please don't kill me for making Hongjoong and Hyunjin kiss I do not ship them it's for the plot only. Also go read my woosan fanfic thanks.)


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