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Hongjoong had never felt this much regret before. He had spent the last few hours crying in his friends' arms and eating enough ice cream to last a lifetime. As much as Hongjoong tried to convince himself that he had done the right thing, all of this felt so entirely wrong.

'...and so what if you discovered that some inherent part of you can't deal with dating an idol. There's approximately 9.7 million people in Seoul city and not all of them have idol careers for you to stand in the way of.' Hongjoong knew there were good intentions behind Seonghwa's thirty minute long lecture but it really wasn't helping.

'I shouldn't have talked to him in the first place. I fall too easily and...' Hongjoong's voice trailed off as the urge to cry returned with a vengeance.

'It's not your fault, idiot. You can't be mad at yourself for liking someone.' Yunho wrapped his arms around Hongjoong, trying to prevent yet another breakdown.

'May I suggest something if Seonghwa is done teaching a masterclass on how to be single forever?' Wooyoung asked from across the room. Seonghwa looked slightly offended but nodded, not wanting to argue in front of his heartbroken friend.

'Chris from Australia and his friends are throwing a party tonight and we should go. Parties have been scientifically proven to be the fastest way to get over someone.' Wooyoung had barely finished his sentence before five loud boys began voicing their disapproval.

'Hongjoong hates parties and all things that spark joy so I don't think he would be very happy if we dragged him out tonight.' Yeosang pointed out, as though Hongjoong wasn't sitting right there with them. As the rest of his friends nodded their agreement, some more grudgingly than others, Hongjoong wondered if going to the party would really be as terrible as he thought.

If anything, going out would help ensure he stayed busy and away from his phone. Hongjoong didn't know how long he could trust himself to not give in to the temptation of calling Mingi and desperately trying to undo his mistake. Hongjoong couldn't bear to cause the boy he loved any more distress. He did love Mingi. He wished he had gotten to tell him that.  So, as much as he hated parties, a distraction would be very welcome.

'Let's go.' All six of his friends turned to stare at Hongjoong in utter disbelief.

'He's gone insane.' Yeosang announced.

'Heartbreak, bruh. It do be like that sometimes.' Jongho shrugged.

'I'm not insane. I just think it would be fun. Now please stop bullying me before I change my mind.' Hongjoong wiped away the involuntary and endless tears that continued to fall despite him actively having stopped crying an hour ago.

'Alright then,' Wooyoung stood up with great purpose, 'I'll pick out an outfit for you while you shower and San will get alcohol because no one shows up to a party sober. Yunho please throw away the ice cream containers and Jongho please get my makeup kit from my room so I can make Hongjoong's eyes look ... less like he has an eye infection. Yeosang call Chris and tell him we're all coming. Seonghwa, sit in silence.' Wooyoung ordered. Before anyone could protest, the dark haired boy had flung open Hongjoong's closet and was already shaking his head in disapproval.

Hongjoong sighed, dragging himself out of bed. This was for the best. He needed to forget and let Mingi forget. It was easier this way. Regardless, it was too late to take it all back. Right?

A/N: Hi! I think my brain is broken or something because I rewrote this chapter five times and I still hate it with all my heart. But I needed to publish it so I can document the fact that we have 2K reads?! I love y'all so much omg please accept my whole heart. Thank u thank u thank u thank u. 🖤


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