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Mingi readjusted the gold chains around his neck for the millionth time. He was nervous. Although they had spent an entire day together, he hadn't taken Hongjoong out on a real date yet. The older boy had been adamant that coffee dates counted but Mingi didn't agree. It wasn't a date until Mingi bought flowers, took Hongjoong out for a romantic dinner and kissed him in the moonlight. That was exactly what Mingi had planned for tonight.

Mingi ran a comb through his dark hair one last time before deciding he had to stop staring at himself in the mirror if he didn't want to be late. He grabbed his car keys and the bouquet of roses from his kitchen counter and left his apartment.

As much as he had insisted that this wasn't a first date, Hongjoong was just as nervous as Mingi was.

'If he tries to kidnap you, remember, elbow to the nose and knee to the dick.' San did a little demonstration in the air as he explained.

'I think you should let yourself get kidnapped. You won't have to give any of your final exams and hopefully he won't torture you so you can just stay there.' Wooyoung was lying on Hongjoong's bed, offering absolutely no assistance when it came to calming the blonde boy's nerves.

'Why did I invite you two over again?' Hongjoong sighed in exasperation as he began to lace up his boots.

'You were having a meltdown and we're the only people you know who are actually in a happy relationship.' San reminded. Wooyoung smiled and attempted to pull San into the bed with him. As adorable as Hongjoong thought the two boys were, this was where he drew the line.

'No. Get out. You will not be doing any unholy activities on my bed.' As Hongjoong began to try to push Wooyoung off his bed, his phone rang and they all instantly froze. Mingi was here.

'We'll just be here when you get back.' Wooyoung teased, exchanging a smirk with his boyfriend.

'I'm kicking you out before I go.' Hongjoong vowed, even though he knew it wasn't going to happen. His friends were stubborn and he didn't want to keep Mingi waiting.

'Bye!' Hongjoong and San called as Hongjoong left.

'God is watching.' Hongjoong warned before shutting the door behind him.

Hongjoong leaned against his door and took a deep breath before going downstairs. The sight of Mingi made almost all of Hongjoong's nervousness dissolve into excitement. This was going to be a fun night and nothing could change that.

Mingi had chosen a dimly-lit and very fancy sushi restaurant for their date and Hongjoong loved every second of it. Even the moment when Mingi had presented him with a bouquet of roses and Hongjoong didn't have to heart to tell him that he was terrible at all things involving plants and that the flowers would probably be dead by morning.

Despite the fact that they were technically in a public place, Mingi didn't hold back on the flirting. However, at least on this particular night, he was terrible at it.

'I thought happiness started with the letter H. Why does mine start with U?' Hongjoong couldn't help but laugh at the way Mingi wiggled his brows as he delivered one of the worst pick up lines Hongjoong had ever heard.

'Probably because you can't spell.' Hongjoong shrugged and Mingi pretended to be hurt.

'I placed my heart at your feet and you stomped on it and gave it back.' The younger boy faked wiping a tear from his eye and Hongjoong laughed. Mingi loved hearing him laugh.

The two boys held hands as they left the restaurant. It really had been a perfect date. Neither of them wanted it to end. Mingi started to open the car door for Hongjoong and then stopped suddenly, turning around to face Hongjoong. The blonde looked worried.

'What's wrong?' Mingi's heart nearly exploded at the way Hongjoong touched his shoulder and looked up at him, concern etched in his soft features.

'Nothing. I've just remembered there's a fee to get the car door open. Unfortunately, if you want to get in, you'll have to kiss me first.' Hongjoong sighed and shook his head. He couldn't help but smile at Mingi's antics.

'Here? Now?' Hongjoong asked softly, his eyes flickering nervously to the left, as though he expected to see someone standing there and watching them. Mingi nodded. In that moment, he didn't care if anyone was watching.

Hongjoong seemed to question the idea of them kissing in a street for a moment, before he seemed to give in. His feet tiptoed as he reached up to kiss Mingi. The taller boy bent down to meet Hongjoong's lips and for a few seconds, the world disappeared for both of them. Hongjoong pulled away, keeping his hands on Mingi's chest.

'I hope there's a fee for taking me home because I would love to pay it.' Hongjoong fiddled with the buttons on Mingi's shirt and the taller boy laughed. Hongjoong laughed with him. Wrapped in the magic of the moment, neither boy realised that someone had indeed been watching them.

A/N: I was supposed to update sooner but this chapter was SO hard to write. I've recently had some new and absolutely wonderful readers and I'm trying to raise the standards of my writing as a gift to all of you. Unfortunately, I suck at words. It is what it is. 😔 Ok love you all and thank u for reading. 🖤


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