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'Hello? Hongjoong?' Although Mingi had failed to hide the fear and panic in his voice, Hongjoong didn't notice it. Right now, the fact that the drunken boy was managing to stand was a whole miracle. Maybe he should have let Hyunjin take him back to his dorm.

'Hello?' Mingi asked again, managing to snap Hongjoong out of his thoughts.

'H-hi.' Hongjoong choked out, the tears threatening to make yet another comeback. Blackpink couldn't relate. There was so much Hongjoong wanted to say but he couldn't really get his mind to find the words.

'Hi. Are u okay? You sound...not okay.' Some small but functioning part of Hongjoong's mind was relieved to hear the worry in Mingi's voice. He still cares.

'I-I'm okay. Wait, no, I'm not okay. I don't know if being okay is something that would be okay...' Mingi cut Hongjoong off before he was able to launch into a philosophical debate.

'Where are you right now? I'm going to come get you.' The thought of Mingi seeing him in this state made Hongjoong want to jump off a cliff but the thought of seeing Mingi made him feel like he would be safe even on top of said cliff.

'I...can I tell you something first?' Hongjoong asked. It was easier over the phone. He didn't know if he would have the courage to say any of this in person. He didn't want to wait to find out.

'Ok so...I was making out with someone. His name's Hyunjin and he's really nice but we didn't have sex and...I thought I was right but I was wrong. I was really wrong and I love you and I need you to know that I love you. I didn't even know how to really say it because I've never said it and meant it. Wait no, I've said it and meant it but you know, not in a romantic way. And it all happened so fast. I got scared, okay? I was so terrified and I'm so drunk right now. I don't know how to walk but it's so funny that cars are on top of the road and the road is under the cars. Do u think the road feels it when cars walk over it?'

'Hongjoong, first of all, cars don't walk. Secondly, please tell me where you are so I can hold you while I tell you I love you too.' Hongjoong was convinced he had misheard Mingi.

'You what... what did you say?'

'I said cars don't walk.'

'No, after that.'

'I said I love you too.'

'Oh.' Hongjoong sank down against the dumpster outside Hyunjin's building.

Maybe it was the shock and relief that finally did it but Hongjoong's eyes refused to stay open anymore. His phone slipped out of his hands as he fell asleep against the dumpster, leaving Mingi yelling on the other end of the phone.

'Hongjoong? Hongjoong? What the fuck? You didn't even tell me where you are? Oh my fucking god. You know what I'm coming to your school and looking for you. Wait, you probably aren't hearing any of this. Fuck, how do you trace someone's location?'

Mingi stood biting his lip for a moment before hanging up the phone. His mind and heart raced against each other as he washed most of the soap off his body and changed into the very first jeans and shirt he found lying on the floor of his closet.

What if he drove to Hongjoong's university and he wasn't there? And what if in that time something bad happened? Shit.

As Mingi sat behind the wheel, ready to drive to where he hoped Hongjoong was, a not-so-bad idea struck him

Message @santanic

Hi. This is Mingi. Hongjoong called me  and I'm trying to get to him but I don't know where he is. I saw he was with you earlier. I was hoping you knew where he was. Get back to me when u can I'm really worried about him.

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