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Kiara and I started drinking and dancing, the boys were still with the girls and I'm not even sure they noticed we were here. Teenage boys are idiots, so many hormones, they see a girl and there's nothing else that matters. After a few minutes dancing we decided to go to some rocks on the beach so we can smoke a joint in peace, we grabbed some more beer and headed to the rocks.

We were smoking and listening to some music Kie was playing on her phone when we saw the boys coming our way, they looked confused when they were coming.

- "How long have you been at the beach? and why are you dressed like twins?" - Pope said looking confused staring at both of us.

- "Like hot twins, like damn you, look good" - John B added and we laughed.

- "We've been here almost an hour but when you see a group of new girls around is like anything else doesn't matter, I'm used to it. At least now I have Nat to keep me company" - She said and they all rolled their eyes. - "And this is a dress Nat bought it for me, I'd say it's pretty cute" - She said smiling.

- "So you take 45 minutes to find some tools but you can manage to go shopping for clothing with no problem, huh?" - JJ said and looked at me, everyone else just looked confused.

- "Go to hell JJ, leave me alone" - I said as I rolled my eyes and took a hit of the blunt.

- "You're not gonna share that princess?" - JJ said grinning, Pope who was standing by his side punched his arm and whispered "stop" to him.

- "Stop with the bullshit JJ, let's just have fun" - Kiara said clearly annoyed at JJ and rolled my eyes.

- "Don't worry guys, I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll catch you later" - I said looking at Kiara, she tried to stop me but I told her everything was fine, I just needed to go for a walk. So I started walking to the other side of the beach to get some air.

- "Look what you have done JJ, you happy now?"- John B said to JJ.

- "Chill out guys, let's go dance a little, it's a party after all" - They went back to the party so I couldn't hear anything else.

I finally saw a quiet spot and sat there looking at the sunset, it was almost dark, and it was a beautiful scenery, it brought memories back from when I was little. All the moments with my mother, my surf classes, my first crush on the beach, moments with Kiara, after all, I'm happy I'm back here, everything is great, and JJ can suck my dick because I'm not going anywhere, I like the boys and I love Kiara, so he's gonna have to deal with it.

I drank the last sips from my beer and decided to go for another one and then I would go and find Kiara. I went for the beer and some guys approached me as I was going to leave to go look for the group.

- "Who do we have here, who are you new girl? I've seen you around, are you new here?"- A blonde guy asks me.

- "Mmm, yeah, I moved here a few days ago, and you are...? "- I asked, at this time I was already high and a little bit drunk, so I wasn't really focused on the conversation. I just wanted to leave.

- "Hey, my name is  Topper" - The blonde guy who spoke before tells me - "and this is Rafe and Kelce" - he said pointing to his two friends. - "So.. are you here alone?" - He said grabbing my waist.

- "Mm.. I was going to find my friends right now, so If you'll excuse me.." - I said trying to move away from him but he had a strong grip of me.

- "And who are your friends? Miss popularity over here, she's here for a few days and already has friends" - One of his friends says, who are these guys and why are they so annoying?

- "Kiara is my best friend, we go a long way back, and now I guess the boys are my friends too" - I said and this Rafe guy didn't let go of my waist.

- "Oh, no.. a pretty girl like you can't hang out with those pogues, we'll take care of you babe" - Rafe said pulling me closer to him.

- "mmm no thank you I think I'm gonna go look for my friends" - I tried to let go but it was impossible.

- "Come on, just one beer" - One of them said.

I decided a beer was nothing, maybe if I drink a beer they will shut up and leave me alone, so I started drinking with them. I was uncomfortable and I tried to keep this guy Rafe as away from me as much possible but I was too drunk at this point to care. I drank I don't know, three more beers and I'm totally needing a ride home right now.

- "You can come to my place if you want"- Rafe whispered to my ear and put his hand on my butt.

- "No, I'm gonna go, sorry, thanks for the beer" - I tried to walk away but he took my wrist forcing me to face him again - "Please, let me go, I said no"

- "Come on baby girl, you know you want to" - He said passing one hand through my whole body.

- "You heard the girl, let go" - I hear from behind Rafe. This voice is familiar, but I'm too shitfaced to care, all I know is I wanna get out of here.

- "Or else?" - Rafe let go of me and faced the guy behind him, why was JJ here, and defending me? Am I that drunk I'm having hallucinations?.

- "You don't wanna know what's next" - He says looking at Rafe, then he switched his eyes to me - "Come on princess, I'm going to drop you and Kiara at home" - I said and followed him. I was really really drunk so I didn't even process what was happening at the moment.

I followed JJ as we approached the van where Kiara was waiting for us, I was telling her about my night and what happened with Rafe and his friends. Soon we got home.

- "I'm gonna kill Rafe, he can't be like that, I wanna punch him" - Kiara said angry - "JJ, can you do me a favor and walk Nat home, she can't even see" - She laughed looking at me, I was really drunk.

- "Why am I stuck with the princess?" - JJ said and Kiara gave him a death stare - "Okay okay, sorry, but the princess is nothing bad, just saying" - He grinned

- "The way you mean it, it is, so stop with the bullshit and help her, we'll talk tomorrow. Thanks for the ride, goodnight" - Kiara said walking out of the van.

I tried to open the door but it was useless, so JJ opened it for me, he put my arm on his shoulders and his hand on my waist. I told him to take my keys and open the door for me, he then walked me to my room and left me on the bed and walked away.

- "Why did you help me back there and why are you helping me right now?" - I tried to speak as clear as possible, but all you could hear is mumbling.

- "Did you see Kiara back at the car? She would kill me if I let anything happen to you, and the fact you're not my favorite person in the world doesn't mean I was gonna let Rafe and those little bastards get away with something like this" - She said and I smiled at him.

We finally got to my bedroom and he left me on the bed, I started to take my shoes, JJ was just looking at me.

- "What? Do you want me to do a striptease for you or what?" - I said and his eyes widened - "I mean thanks for everything and for the ride home but I wanna go to sleep and put my pj's on" - We both laughed and he left my room.

- "Good night kook, sweet dreams" - I saw him leave my room grinning at me.


Hello, I have a couple of free days so I will be putting 2 chapters a day for a few days!

How are u liking it so far? Feedback is welcome :)

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