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✧ ‹ parт thirteen › ✧

We hung out on the boat for three hours just chilling and drinking some beer. I got a call from Kiara telling me he talked things with John B and they're cool, so I guess that problem is fixed. We decided to go meet them so we can grab some dinner all together. So we left Pope's boat and went straight to Kie's restaurant because they both were waiting for us there.

The dinner went smooth, we had some mac and cheese and apple pie for dessert. It was all good but you can sense the awkwardness between John B and Kie. I tell the guys we should go out for a smoke to see if they all can chill around each other and be cool.

- "So... tomorrow I heard there's a party on the beach, do you guys wanna go?" - Pope said trying to break the silence.

- "Fine by me, a party sounds great, count me in!" - I said giving Pope a high-five. - "What about the rest?"

- "Yeah sure, I'm in too I guess" - Kie said looking down.

- "What's wrong?" - I said, she was still looking down, then she looked at John B. - "Is this seriously about the kiss?" - I really can't deal with this bullshit, it's a silly thing, I light the joint I just finished rolling.

- "I don't wanna talk about it Nat" - Kiara said to me.

- "Okay, not gonna talk about anymore, but you guys need to realize this is not that big of a deal, you're teenagers who shared a drunk kiss, and I'm positive that you don't even fucking remember it 100% because you were drunk, like things like this happen all the time, it's fine really, I know you must feel weird but come on, I bet even both of you on the inside don't think it's a big deal " - I said almost running of air, trying to catch my breath.

- "Yeah, she's right, it's not that big deal, you kissed while you both were drunk, that's fine, I admit I was a little shocked at first, but Natalie has a point there." - JJ said.

- "Hold on, are you agreeing with me? I can't believe it" - I said and we all laughed, you could feel both Kiara and John B were a little more relaxed.

We all keep talking for a couple of minutes while we were finishing the joint and it was already late so we all decided to go home, John B had his van so he drove Kie and I home.

I got home and my dad was already in bed so I put some tv show and sat on the couch. I started to watch some reality show on Netflix to distract my mind, I watched about three hours worth of shitty tv reality and was almost asleep when my phone started buzzing.

"What did you mean earlier in the boat?" - A text message appears on my screen. I was only in the boat with Pope and JJ, and Pope's number I've got it already saved so it must be JJ. What's he doing it's 2AM.

"Is this JJ?"- I texted back

"Yeah, It's JJ, can you answer my question?" - He replied, but I still didn't know what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about, what did I say on the boat?" - I said literally lost

"You know what I mean" - Can he just tell me already?

"No I don't, please enlighten me" - I said, I was getting annoyed at this point

"You said you could do anything you want because the rule doesn't apply to you, because you are a kook after all, what does that mean?" - He texted back and I laughed.

"So, this is what keeps you up at night, huh?" - I said.

"Are you going to answer me or not?" - He texted back, you can sense he was annoyed.

"I'll leave that to the imagination, but probably means exactly what you think it means, I'm leaving you with that" - I said

Since when I get so flirty with him, and why do I like it? I can admit, making him mad was pretty funny, and him not getting any kind of answer from me will definitely make him mad. So, after sending the last text I went to bed and tried to get some sleep.

Next morning I woke up and helped my dad clean a little bit around the house, also I had some clothes to wash and I needed to organize my room because it was a mess, so I spent most of my day doing that. I was pretty exhausted when I was done cleaning I decided to take a bath so I could relax for a little bit.

I started prepping my chill session by filling up my bathtub and throwing a bath bomb inside, I put a face mask and rolled a joint, by the time I was done my bathtub was already filled to the top. I got my lighter and my ashtray and got in the bathtub. There's nothing more relaxing than smoking a joint in the bathtub for me.

I was chilling and enjoying my bath time when I was interrupted by the buzzing on my phone. Kie was calling me.

- "Hey girl, what's up, are you ready yet?" - She said

- "Ready for what? I'm on the bathtub chilling" - I said

- "The party we all agreed yesterday we were going to go today? Oh god, do you think you can be ready in 30 minutes?" - She said clearly annoyed at me because I was going to be late.

- "Oh fuck, I forgot about the party, let me get out of the bath and get ready, come to my house in a bit and we'll go together, love you" - I said as I hung up the phone.

So... my chill moment is ruined. I get out of the bathtub and tried to get ready as fast as I could, I knew I wasn't going to be ready in 30 minutes, because just drying my hair takes me 20 minutes. I told dad to let Kiara in when she comes by so she can help me get ready faster.

After 45 minutes I was ready, I had my hair half up in a bun and half down and I was wearing a two-piece red and white floral shirt and top, and some white sneakers. We headed out the door as soon as I was ready and headed out the beach where the party was happening.

We quickly found the boys who were here a bit earlier than us but they were only two of them.

- "Where is JJ? Did he not come to the party or is he peeing?" - Kiara said looking around.

- "Nope, not peeing, he's with the blonde over there, looks like today's his lucky night" - John B said and pointed at where JJ was.

Kiara and I both looked where John B was pointing and saw JJ kissing a blonde girl.

- "Oh god no, what is he doing with Madison?" - Kiara asked

- "What, do you know her?" - Pope asked curious, who was this girl? I've never seen her before.

- "Yeah, she's a Kook, she lives not far away from us Nat, she's a total bitch, I've been to a few things with my parents where she was also and she's really annoying" - Kiara said disgusted looking at them.

- "Well... looks like JJ scored a full kook" - John B said laughing.

- "Oh how the tables have turned" - I said and we all laughed.

We danced and drinked for a while and saw JJ leaving with the girl. Oh wow, now he's into kooks? Life can surprise you.


Literally my dream is to have a bathtub in my place so I can smoke a joint inside. BUT I live in a small apartment and I'm lucky to even have a shower lol.

Oh my god we hit 1K reads I can't believe it thank you so much guys!  But please guys don't be a ghost reader I like to know if you enjoy the story and the comments you have about it. I really appreciate the comments you guys leave me and the votes on the story, thank you <3

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