Chapter 14 ~ Baby or No Baby?

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Laura's Pov

*3 months later*

Well. It's been 3 months and everyday Harry wonders if I'm pregnant. We've tried multiple different times just to make sure it actually happens. I haven't taken a test yet. It's not that I'm scared to, I just haven't really had the time. There's been a lot going on.

Darcy just turned 3. So things have been changing. I'm figuring out where I want to put her in preschool and Haz has been really busy at the studio.

Darcy came running downstairs and said, "Mama. Can we go to the studio and see daddy?" "Sure sweetie. We can bring daddy and your uncles some lunch."

"Yay!" "Let's go get you dressed."

I picked her up and took her into her room. I put her in light wash jean shorts and a black sweatshirt. I brushed her hair and put it up in a ponytail. I put on her converse and took her in my room.

"Okay princess. Mommy is gonna get ready. You stay right here." She nodded and turned on the tv.

I put on black athletic shorts and Harry's "Obsession" sweatshirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and picked up Darcy.

"You ready to go sweetie?" She nodded.

We went downstairs and I grabbed her bag. I took her out to the car and put her in her seat. I got in the car and drove to Subway. I have the guys' orders in my phone so i was able to get theirs ordered and then got me and Darcy's.

Once I had everything I put Darcy in her seat and drove to the studio. I got Darcy out and grabbed the food.

"Alright sweetie. You know the rules when you're at the studio." She nodded.

I grabbed her bag and we went inside. We went to their studio and Paul said, "Laura. Darcy. What brings you in today?"

"Just wanted to bring the boys some lunch. And Darcy wanted to see her daddy." "They're working on some new songs. But you can go ahead in."

"Thanks Paul." I went in the room and Darcy ran over to Haz.

He picked her up and said, "Hi baby girl. What a surprise." "She wanted to come see her daddy. So I thought I would bring you guys some lunch."

"That's sweet baby." I put their sandwiches on the table and sat on Haz's lap.

"I know you're tired of hearing me ask, but have you felt anything yet. Like do you think there's a baby in there?" "I don't know. I mean. I feel like would've at least had the morning sickness by now."

"Maybe you won't have any." "You remember how bad it was with Darcy though."

"Every pregnancy is different. I mean Ana rarely had morning sickness with Leslie. But Lou said she's been getting sick nonstop during this pregnancy." "Interesting."

He rubbed my stomach and said, "Do you think there's a baby in there?" "Would you hate me if I said no?"

"Of course not, baby. You can't control whether or not you're pregnant." "I just feel like I'm letting you down."

"Why don't you take a test baby? That way you don't have to stress about whether you are pregnant or not. The test will tell you." I nodded.

"No matter what. I still love you. And we have an adorable baby girl. Plus. We're young. We still have so many years to have another baby."

Darcy ran over to me and said, "Mama. Can we stay here for the rest of the day? Uncle Niall said i can help write songs." "Sure baby. As long as it's okay with all of them."

They all nodded. She ran back over to Niall and started telling him about songs. I just sat on Haz's lap and let them do what they needed to. At around 630 they were finally done for the day. Haz had car pooled with Lou so he just went home with me and Darcy.

Before we got home, we stopped at Walgreens to get a pregnancy test. I just need to do this and get it over with. Once we got home, Haz stayed downstairs with Darcy while i went upstairs and took the test. I laid it on the sink and waited for the timer to go off.

After five minutes the timer went off. I looked at the test and i felt my heart break. It was negative. All i wanna do is give Haz another baby. But no, I can't.

What if I'm never able to give him a second child? I threw the test away and sat on the bed. I felt the tears coming down my face. I decided to call Li so i could talk it through with him before I had to tell Haz.

Li- Laura. Hey. Whatcha calling for? I just saw you

La- I just need someone to talk to.

Li- What's wrong? Why are you crying?

La- As you know, me and Harry have been trying to have another baby. So after we left the studio I took a pregnancy test.

Li- So these are happy tears?

La- No Li. It's negative. I can't even manage to give Harry a second child.

Li- Hey. It's not your fault. Maybe God is telling you it's not time for you to have another baby.

La- I just want to give him another baby. I want him to have his mini me. It's not fair

Li- Laura. Just calm down. I know this is hard. But everything is gonna be okay. You just need to talk to him about this.

La- I'm going to. I just really needed to talk to you before i did.

Li- Just remember to stay calm when you tell him. He's still gonna love you after it. I know it's hard. But that boy is so in love with you. You've already given him a beautiful baby girl. And when the time is right, he'll get his mini me.

La- Thank you Li.

Li- I'm always here for you.

La- I'm gonna go talk to him.

Li- Alright. I love you.

La- I love you too.

Then i hung up. I went in the bathroom and cleaned up my face. I went downstairs and sat on the couch. Haz was on the floor playing with Darcy. He looked over at me and his face softened. I just shook my head and went in the kitchen.

I made dinner for us and set the table. I called them in and we all ate. After we finished i cleaned the kitchen while Haz played with Darcy. Once everything was clean i picked Darcy up so i could give her a bath. After her bath I put her pjs on her and took her downstairs.

I gave her to Haz and said, "Do you mind putting her to bed tonight?" "Of course i will." He kissed the top of my head and took her upstairs. I looked on the baby monitor and saw him singing to her. He's been singing her to sleep every night since i found out i was pregnant with her. He's such a good dad.

After a few minutes he came downstairs and sat next to me.

"The test was negative?" I nodded and laid my head on his chest.

"It's okay baby. Maybe it just isn't the right time for us to have another baby. We'll get our little man one day."

I felt a tear fall down my cheek and it landed on his shirt. "Hey. It's okay. I'm not upset with you baby."

"I just wanted to give you your mini me." He ran his fingers through my hair and said, "And you'll give him to me later in life. God is sending us a message that it isn't time for us to have another baby. It's okay."

"I just hate that I let you down." "You didn't." He got up and picked me up.

"Let's get to bed baby girl." He carried me upstairs and laid me in bed.

He laid next to me and said, "I love you." "I love you too."

He pulled me into his chest and soon I was asleep.

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