Chapter 24 ~ A Night with the Family

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Laura's Pov

I sat on the couch with Darc and she said, "Mama. Do we have to move to America?"

"Is there a reason you don't want to move there?" "It's just gonna be different."

Haz said, "Of course it's gonna be different sweet pea. But all of your uncles will still be there with us. And now we'll be closer to Granny Pottorff and Uncle Sam." "But what about Aunt Gemma and Nana Anne?"

I said, "We'll still see them sweet pea. It just won't be as often." "Promise we'll still see them?"

"I promise sweet pea." Haz said, "Now let's get some lunch into that tummy of yours."

She ran into the kitchen with me and Haz following her. He sat her on the counter and said, "So what do you want for lunch sweet pea?"

"Chicken nuggets!" "Positive?"

"Yes sir." He laughed at her and started to make her chicken nuggets.

Once her nuggets were ready I put her in her chair and let her eat. Haz said, "And what would you like for lunch?"

"I'm not super hungry. I think I'm gonna make a smoothie." "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I just ate breakfast late so I'm not super hungry." "Alright babe. Just checking."

I made myself a smoothie and Harry made his lunch. After we finished lunch I put Darc down for a nap and cleaned up the kitchen. Haz came in and said, "So how ya feeling today baby?"

"Fine." "The babies aren't giving you any trouble?"

"No baby. They're not. They're only ten weeks. Or, I guess 11 weeks now." "I'm sorry. I just worry about you. You seem a little off today."

"I'm fine baby. There's just a lot going on." He pulled me in his arms and said, "What's stressing you out?"

"It's nothing. It's just. Darc is already worried about us loving the twins more than her and they're not even here yet." "Baby. She's our first born. Of course she's worried about it."

"I just don't want her to think that now that the twins are on the way we won't love her as much." "I'm sure once the twins are actually here, she'll be fine. But you need to stop stressing. It's bad for you and the babies."

I nodded and he said, "How about after Darc wakes up we meet all the guys at the park?" "That sounds nice."

He kissed the top of my head and said, "Let's go relax in the living room until she wakes up." I nodded and we went in the living room.

I sat on his lap and kissed him. "You promise everything is okay?"

"Yeah babe. I promise."

Soon Darc woke up and we texted the guys so they could meet us at the park. I got her park bag together and we went to the park. We met up with the guys and Lou and Haz took Darc and Leslie to play. Perrie, Ana and Zayn were over playing with William. So me, Li, and Ni are sitting on a bench talking.

Li said, "So how is everything?" "Everything's good. Haz seems to be healing pretty well."

"And how are you feeling?" "Fine."

Ni said, "Really? Because you don't seem fine." "Why are all of you guys saying that?"

"Because you seem off. You don't seem like you." "I'm fine."

Li said, "I'm having a really hard time believing that. We know you too well to believe that you're fine. We can tell when something's off." "I'm fine! Y'all need to stop stressing."

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