Chapter 20 ~ Wait. What?

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Laura's Pov

Once we got to the office I signed in and sat with Darcy in the waiting room. Soon I was called back so I picked Darcy up and went back to the room.

They did all of the pre-assessment stuff and the nurse said, "Dr.Susan should be in here soon." I nodded and she walked out.

Darcy said, "Mama. Why are we here?" "Mama just needs a check up."

"Are you sick?" "No sweetie. I just have to come in once a year to make sure everything's okay."

She nodded. Soon Dr.Susan came in and said, "Laura. It's been a while. I see you brought little Darcy."

"I did. Haz isn't feeling well. So I decided to take her with me." "She's gotten so big."

Darcy said, "I started preschool today." Dr.Susan said, "Wow. You're such a big girl. Did you make some friends?"

Darcy nodded. Dr.Susan said, "Let's go ahead and get you checked out Laura."

I nodded and she did what she had to do.

"Everything looks good. And it says here that you want a fertility check too?" I nodded.

"Alright. We can get that done."

She ran a few tests and soon she came back in and said, "Well. You're definitely fertile. You're pregnant." "I'm what?"

"You're pregnant. I'm just gonna do a sonogram so we can see how far along you are."

I nodded and she squirted the gel on my stomach. She moved the wand around and said, "Oh. Okay. There it is. It looks like you're having twins. You seem to be about 10 weeks."

"Ten weeks?" "Yes. 10 weeks with twins."

"Oh. Wow." "Do you wanna hear the heartbeat?"

I nodded. She turned on the sound and I literally had to hold back tears.

"Both heartbeats sound totally healthy." "I'm just glad i found out. What if I hadn't? I could've lost them again."

"You would've known. You're already starting to get a little bump. Sometimes the signs are a little delayed." I nodded.

"I'm gonna go print some pictures out for you. I'm sure Harry is going to be really excited." I nodded and she walked out.

I wiped my stomach off and picked up Darcy. "Mama. Why are you crying?"

"You're gonna be a big sister." "I am?"

"Yeah. Mama has two babies in her belly?" She put her hand on my stomach and said, "Two babies?"

"Yes princess. Two babies." Dr.Susan came back in and handed me the sonograms.

"You know the deal. Take your prenatal vitamins, eat healthy, exercise. All that good stuff." I nodded and she said, "You're free to go."

I got up and went out to the car with Darcy.

"We're gonna make a stop at Target baby girl." "Why?"

"Mama needs to pick up some things." She nodded and I drove to Target.

Once we got there we went in and I grabbed some stuff to tell Haz about me being pregnant. I got some mason jars that I'm going to paint and fill with some baby stuff. And then I got a chalkboard to write a cute little note on. After I got everything, we checked out and went home.

"Darc, why don't you go upstairs and hang out with daddy." She nodded and ran upstairs.

I got the stuff out and started to get everything ready. I painted the two mason jars and put a pacifier in each along with a pair of white booties in each. I put a sonogram in each of them and then started working on the chalkboard.

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