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"I thought the Quileutes were the only ones who could turn into wolves?" Bella said after Sam had told them Jacob's story.

"I  thought so too," Sam said. Turning to Carlisle, he asked, "Do you or  Edward remember anything about the night they signed the treaty?  Anything that differs from our legends, which I'm sure you've heard by  now?"

"We've heard them," Carlisle said, ignoring Sam's icy tone. "But I don't recall anything..."

"I  do," Edward said, much to everyone's surprise. "You were discussing  something with Ephraim. I noticed a group of Quileutes, not many, just  about five or six, disappear into the woods. I didn't think anything of  it then, but I don't believe they were in attendance when we signed the  treaty."

"Well that would've been nice to know," Sam muttered, and Renesmee rolled her eyes.

"Do you think it could have been them who attacked Jacob today?" Bella asked.

"It's possible, I guess," Edward shrugged and Sam nodded.

Renesmee shook her head. "But why are they back? And why did they go after Jake?"

Suddenly,  the phone rang, and Esme picked it up in another room. "Yes, I'll tell  them," she said, and the conversation was over in a matter of minutes.  She appeared in the living room and said, "That was Jacob. He said he  found something that he wants to show to you and Edward, Sam."

"Thank you," Sam said, taking his leave, all too eager to do so. Edward moved to leave too, with Renesmee by his side.

"Be careful, and call me if you find anything, ok?" Bella said as she kissed him goodbye.

"We will," he promised as they headed out the door.

Jacob  was lying on the couch when they arrived, and Sam was analyzing every  sentence of an old letter. "Where's Seth?" Renesmee asked.

"Dumb kid thought he heard something outside," Jacob sighed. "He's 'scouting the perimeter'."

"What's that?" she asked, pointing to the letter in Sam's hands.

"I  found it in Billy's old desk that he left here when he moved in with  Charlie," Jacob said as Sam handed the letter over to Edward. "Sam  filled me in, and I think whoever this Alexander is, is one of the guys  you saw that night, Edward. He must be the leader of their pack."

Edward scanned the page quickly, then handed it to Renesmee, who read it carefully.

"Dear Mr. Black,

Your  son has just experienced one of the most terrifying experiences in his  life, and he is now a monster, just like the rest of us. We warned you  the Cold Ones were not to be trusted. Do you believe us now? We should  have rid ourselves of them when they were weak and their numbers small.  But, have no fear. We shall have our revenge. I ask you once and for all  Mr. Black, will you listen now?



"Of  course Billy refused," Jacob said when she had finished. "He was  determined to honor the treaty. And it explains why he was so protective  of me at first."

"And what about you, Jacob?" Edward asked, folding his arms over his chest. "What do you say?"

Jacob  glared at him. "I know we haven't always been the best of friends," he  said, then looking at Renesmee, he sighed, "but it's not possible for us  to be on separate teams anymore."

"Agreed," Edward said, then motioned to the letter. "So what are we going to do?"

Before anyone could answer, Seth came bursting through the back door. "What'd I miss?"

Renesmee  sighed and went to him, placing her hand on the side of his face, and  keeping her gaze locked with his. She showed him the message they had  received from Alexander. "Wow," Seth breathed, "that's some heavy  stuff."

Renesmee stifled a laugh. Leave it to Seth to take a dire situation and make it seem not quite so serious.

The  others ignored him and picked back up with their conversation. "They'll  more than likely be after you," Sam said looking at Edward. "You, and  all your family, not just Bella and Nessie. And Jacob, you're the only  descendant of Ephraim Black, and as the Alpha of the pack, they'll be  coming again for you too."

"We should split everyone up," Edward suggested. "If we stay here, we're one big easy target."

"Well I'm not leaving," Jacob said from his position on the couch.

"Jake," Seth began to protest, but Jacob silenced him.

"Sam's  right, Seth. I am the leader of this pack. And it's partly my fault  that they're here. I'm not going to run and hide while you and the guys  do my fighting for me," Jacob said. Then, to prove his point to everyone  in the room, he got up off the couch, with some difficulty, and stood  before Seth and Sam.

Sam gave him a nod of respect. Seth ducked his head in submission.

Renesmee  crossed the room, and stood at Jacob's side, facing her father. "I'm not  leaving him," she said, her voice clear and strong.

"You will do  as I say, Renesmee," Edward said cooly. "I'm sending you and Bella and  everyone else somewhere you will all be safe."

"I'm safe with Jacob," Renesmee tried to reason with him.

"You're not staying here, and that's final," Edward said, authority resonating in his voice.

"It's what she wants!" Jacob very nearly growleded as he  stepped between Edward and Renesmee. His hands shook and tremors were  working their way up his arms. He hadn't lost control in a long time,  but he wasn't about to let Edward take another girl he loved away from  him.

"I know what's best for her, Jacob. She is my daughter!" Edward fired back, raising his voice for the first time in Renesmee's life.

"Daddy,"  she whispered, stepping around Jacob and taking her father's hand. She  relayed a secret message to him as Jacob slowed the tremors and regained  his composure. This time, the memory she showed Edward was not one that  she had seen herself, but it was one she had heard about many times  before.

With a heavy sigh, Edward sank down in a near by chair. "I am acting like Charlie used to. Alright, Renesmee. You can stay."

"I'll  have Jared and Embry keep an eye on the place until Jacob's fully  recovered," Sam said much to Jacob's dismay. "I'll send Paul and Quil  over to your place if you like, just to scout out the area now and  then?"

"What about me?" Seth asked eagerly.

"You can spell  them after a few hours, Kid," Jacob said, shaking his head at the  youngest member of the pack. "But only after you get some sleep. You  look worse than I do."

"Obviously, bro, you have not looked in a  mirror," Seth laughed. Jacob was still able to shove him back a few  feet, despite his injuries.

"Your help would be much appreciated,"  Edward said in an answer to Sam's previous question. "I can have Jasper  and Emmett run the perimeter as well. Despite the fact that they'd be  safer elsewhere, I doubt any of them will listen. If Renesmee and I  stay, Bella won't go. Alice and Emmett wouldn't miss a fight, so Jasper  and Rosalie will stay also. And Carlisle and Esme will refuse to leave  us all behind."

"So you'll all be staying put then?" Jacob smirked.

Renesmee gave him a look, but Jacob just grinned.

"Yes," Edward said solemnly. "We're staying."

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