Please Don't Worry

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Hey! Quick author's note here. Just wanted to say thanks for reading. I first wrote this story back in 2010/2011 and honestly, I didn't realize how much my writing had improved since then. This story is complete, but I'm updating it as I go to make it better for you, dear reader. Also, it is the first in a Twilight series that I have written, so be on the look out for more. You'll probably see what I mean about my writing! Anyway, hope you continue to enjoy! ~RMBlythe

Jacob  made his way up the stairs of the Cullen mansion. He tried not to  think too hard about where he was. Despite all that had occurred in  recent years, the place still gave him the creeps. And, it reeked of  vampires.

He knocked on Renesmee's door. No firm plans had been  made. Ideas were still being tossed around and argued about, but Jacob's  attention span was running low. He was also beginning to feel badly  about asking Renesmee to stay put. Not knowing what was going on  downstairs was probably driving her crazy. After all, it was members of  her family that was missing. She could at least help them decide what to do about it. But he refused to waver on his decision concerning the  actual execution. Renesmee would stay here where he knew she was  safe. He knocked again when she didn't answer. "Nessie," he called.  "Look Ness, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. Will you just open the  door, please?"

When no reply came, Jacob got a sinking feeling in  his chest. Something was wrong. The door, to his surprise, was unlocked and swung open to reveal an empty room. There was a note that had been placed on her bed.


I have to find Mom and Dad and Auntie. I can't wait any longer. Please, don't worry.

Always and Forever,

Your Nessie"

Jacob waded the note into a ball and threw it  across the room, restraining himself from the urge to break something  else. He slammed the door to her bedroom and raced down the stairs. He  tried to swallow the all too familiar hot taste in his mouth, but it  would not fade. He entered the living room where everyone still sat.  Everyone, except Jasper.

Jacob's breathing sped up and he  desperately fought against the fire that was beginning to ripple down  his spine. Seth noticed the fury burning in his friends eyes and asked,  "Whoa, Jake! What's up?"

"Nessie's gone," he spat. "And Jasper's with her."

Rosalie was on her feet and in front of Jacob in an instant. "Just what are you accusing my brother of, dog?" she hissed.

"Back off, blondie," Jacob whispered low.

"Sit  down, Rose," Carlisle said. Rosalie thought about it for a minute, then  deciding it wasn't worth spending her energy on killing Jacob today,  she went and sat next to Emmett. Carlisle then turned to Jacob, careful  not to approach him, and said calmly, "Jacob, we can't be sure of that.  Jasper would never do anything that may put Renesmee in danger."

"Don't  defend him," Jacob growled, as a tremor rocked his body. "Not to me. I never should have trusted any of you. Alex may find her. He may kill  her! And I can't wait for you all to decide what to do."

He turned  to leave. His body shuddered and left his hands shaking. Jacob could  feel himself losing control, and he was losing it fast. He had to get  out of this vampire nest before he lost it completely. Suddenly, he felt  an icy hand on his shoulder.

"Wait, Jacob," Esme said, her eyes soft and filled with compassion. "We'll go with you and help you find her."

Touched  as he was by her kind offer, the feeling of betrayal was stronger. And  he had to leave now, or everyone would suffer. "Take your hand off me,"  he said slowly.

Esme did so, and took a step back, realizing it  was better just to let him go. Jacob raced out the door. Quil and Seth  started to follow, but Sam stopped them. "No," he said. "Let him go. I'll talk to him."

Jacob shed his  clothes as he ran through the trees, his heart hammering in his chest.  Finally, he couldn't fight it any longer, and he didn't want to. He  jumped into the air and exploded into a wolf. He was flying now, and his  four legs dug into the soft dirt beneath his paws, carrying him deeper  into the woods. That is, until Sam's voice rang out clearly in his  head.


Leave me alone, Jacob growled.

Think this through, Jake, Sam said sternly. This isn't helping Nessie any, and you know it.

Well what should I do? You were right. The Cullens are our natural enemies. I never should have trusted them, Jacob said angrily, though he slowed to a jog.

Even  if that is the way you feel, I know you love Renesmee. She's a Cullen,  Jacob. They are her family whether you like it or not. And they're  worried about her just like you are. Hell Jake, we don't even know if  she's hurt. She could be perfectly fine!

Jacob shook his head. He wouldn't have this sinking feeling if that were true.

Run if it makes you feel better. Just come back in the morning to figure this out with the rest of us. And Jacob? Sam said just before his voice disappeared. Don't do anything stupid.

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