The Meeting

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Renesmee's stomach tied into knots as she watched a huge wolf pass through the room where she stood chained to one of the walls in the dark room. She took a deep breath. Jacob was coming. He would take care of everything, and soon she would be safe in his arms once again. She gasped when the wolf suddenly swung his huge head toward her and glared at her.

Jacob, please hurry, she thought, squeezing her eyes shut.

I'm coming Honey, she heard him say. I'm on my way!

In another room, Edward sank to his knees. Never had he felt so completely helpless. His arms were chained to a wall above his head. Whatever the metal was, it was like nothing he'd ever come across before. It was so strong, he couldn't get it to budge at all, and it wasn't as if he hadn't tried. He doubted even Emmett would have been able to break free. And now these monsters had his wife and his daughter! And he was stuck in this room, unable to get to them, unable to help them.

A big grey wolf sauntered in, and looked straight at Edward. He cringed and braced himself for what he knew was coming. Sure enough, there was his daughter, his beautiful baby girl in his mind's eye. She was so frightened that she was crying and shaking, all alone in a dark room. Then that loathsome creature thought of Bella, his beloved wife, worried sick about him and Renesmee, but at least Bella had Jasper in the room with her, no doubt exhausting himself trying to keep her calm. Renesmee was by herself though, absolutely scared to death and all Edward could do was watch.

The wolf saw his pain and let out a barking laugh. Edward cried out in rage and attempted to lunge at him, but the chains still did not break, and he was thrown back against the wall which trembled beneath him.

Alice looked away. She could not bear to watch anymore. Seeing her brother in so much pain was horrible. What was that mutt doing to him? As desperately as she missed Jasper though, she was glad they had thrown her in the same room with Edward. Their gifts worked well together. Edward could tell her what the wolves were planning among themselves, if they were stupid enough to think of those things around him. Which, often, they were. Alexander wasn't of course, but Alice hadn't actually ever seen the alpha of this pack. It was those other four that were so dumb, Drew, Cain, Elias, and Peter. They knew about Edward's abilities, it was how they tortured him multiple times a day, yet they still insisted on speaking secretly when they knew he was present. Idiots, she thought as the wolf left.

Edward smiled a little, but she knew it was forced. Then he spoke low and fast so only she could hear, "Are they on their way? How close are they?"

She shook her head. I can barely see them, she thought. They're traveling with the pack, so it's fuzzy at best. I'm focusing on Carlisle, and I think they're pretty close. They should be here within the next five minutes with how fast they're running.

"Thank you, I know it's hard for you," he whispered.

It's worse being stuck here when your family's in danger and there's nothing you can do about it.

Edward sighed sadly, "I won't argue with that."

They both fell silent as a huge auburn wolf passed by. Alice shivered. She looked at Edward, Was that him?

Edward nodded. Yes, it was Alexander. That was indeed the wolf he would kill the minute he was free of these chains.


Jacob approached the huge house, and already he saw Alexander waiting to meet him. Four wolves flanked him with two of them on either side. Jacob passed the message along for his "pack" to fall out behind him. Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme stood ready amongst the shadows of the trees with Paul, Jared, Leah, Quil, and Embry. Seth and Sam stood just a few feet behind Jacob. Looking at the auburn wolf who was responsible for this whole mess, responsible for Renesmee's heartache, he was glad that he was already in his wolf form. Just the sight of him made Jacob angry enough to phase if he had been human. He fought the urge to rip Alexander's head off right then and there. But he had to think of the pack, and Renesmee. He wanted to be absolutely certain that she was out of harms way when things got violent.

You brought uninvited guests, Jacob, Alexander thought, glancing quickly at the vampires behind him. That was horribly rude of you.

You invited them when you kidnapped their family, Jacob growled. Where are they? Where is Renesmee?

Such hostility, Jacob. When will you see that you and I are the same? Neither of us wanted this. To become a monster for the rest of our lives!

Where is Renesmee?

Yes, I'd heard you'd imprinted on one of them. How unfortunate.  Isn't she the daughter of the woman you once loved? The woman who used you, then betrayed you by becoming one of them? Alexander said with growing disgust and hatred in his voice.

Bella did not betray me, Jacob said firmly. I know that now. The Cullens have proved time and time again that they are not like the others. They really are different. And yes, I did imprint on Renesmee. I love her more than anything. What. Have. You. Done with her?

Do you know what happened to the woman that I loved, Jacob? What happened to my imprint, that I cannot forget, though it has been over 100 years now?

Jacob was silent, and waited for him to answer his own question. He knew that if he got too angry, and too impatient, then he'd just be putting Renesmee in more danger. If he treated this jerk with some level of patience, they all had a better chance of getting out of this alive.

She died, Jacob! Alex growled. She was killed. Murdered by those disgusting bloodsuckers!

That wasn't the Cullens...

It doesn't matter! They're all the same. They'll turn on you, Jacob. It's what I tried to tell your great- grandfather, but he wouldn't believe me either. Well, now I have a chance to make this right. To avenge the death of our people, of my wife. They deserve to die, every last one of them. Including that girl...

Jacob's lips curled back over his teeth, and a low growl erupted from his chest. He sent a message to everyone in his pack before he even knew he was doing it. Suddenly, they were all beside him, every last wolf and vampire. Maybe Alexander's pack had more experience, but his had the numbers. It was time. They ended this now.

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