In Good Hands

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Jacob and Alexander leapt into the air and collided with a thunderous crash. Rose and Emmett charged at Drew, and Carlisle and Esme teamed up against Peter. Paul, Jared, and Leah attacked Cain, and Quil, Embry, and Sam went after Elias. Using his old alpha voice, Sam ordered Seth to go find Edward, Bella, Jasper, Alice, and Renesmee. For once, Seth didn't argue, his worry for Renesmee outweighing his need to be in the fight, and he ran around to the back of the house to find a way in.

As Jacob and Alexander tumbled through the trees, Jacob completely gave into his wolf form. He let go of his human thoughts and emotions and fought based on his animal instincts. The only thing he felt was rage as he bit and tore at the other wolf.

Emmett managed to pin Drew to the ground, and, despite the awful taste she knew was coming, Rosalie sank her teeth into the wolf's neck. Vampire venom was poisonous to werewolves, and she used that to her advantage. As soon as Drew stopped struggling against Emmett and lay still, Rosalie ripped away from him. She made a disgusted face and her husband grinned. "That's my girl."

Meanwhile, Carlisle and Esme took a different approach against Peter. Esme taunted and distracted him just long enough for Carlisle to get a running start and leap onto the wolf's back. Peter hardly had time to react. Within seconds Carlisle had his strong arms wrapped around Peter's mid- section. Esme cringed slightly when Carlisle applied the slightest amount of pressure and cracked nearly every bone in the wolf's body. When he felt Peter go limp in his arms, Carlisle dropped him to the ground, and was immediately at Esme's side. He took his wife in his arms and kissed her soundly. "Never again," he whispered fiercely, holding her tight. "Never again will I put you in so much danger. You have no idea how hard it was for me to let you do that."

"I trusted you," she smiled up at him. "I know you'd never let anything happen to me."

Rosalie and Emmett came jogging over to them, and Esme could not help but breathe a sigh of relief that two of her children were safe. If only she knew about the other four, and her precious granddaughter. Sam and the rest of the wolves came towards them as well. Three wolves against one hadn't been a tough fight for them. Paul even felt a little cheated that it hadn't been more difficult. Leah was insulted that it had been so easy.

Carlisle noticed that Jacob was not among them. "Where is Jacob?" he asked, looking at Sam.

Sam looked out into the trees, then back at Carlisle. "I see," he sighed. "He's still with Alexander."

Sam nodded his huge black head, and Carlisle saw a look of concern in his eyes. "Go help him. We'll can handle it from here. Be careful though."

Sam rolled his eyes, and they took off into the forest.

Seth raced through the house, darting in and out of hallways, occasionally stopping to look in the various rooms. This place was like a maze! It was as if it had purposely been built to confuse him. Finally, he saw a figure move from within one of the dark rooms. He stepped in cautiously at first. Then he heard a sigh of relief from somewhere along the wall, followed by a familiar voice, "Seth!"

Seth bounded over to Edward and immediately locked the metal chain in his jaws and began to tug. It wouldn't budge. He looked at Edward, and even Alice could tell he was confused. "I don't know what it's made out of," Edward said in answer to Seth's silent question. "Alice and I can't break it either. Where is everyone else, Seth?"

They're taking care of Alex and his pack, Seth thought. Sam sent me to find you.

"Have you found anyone else besides us? Did you see Bella? Is Renesmee alright?" Edward asked. Then he heard Alice's thoughts. She was worried about Jasper, though he knew she was too selfless to bring the attention to herself right now when he was so worried. "Forgive me Alice. Seth, have you seen Jasper?"

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