Not Fair

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"Sam,"  Jacob said when they reached the Cullen's mansion and saw all the  vampires and wolves already there. "Please tell me you have  some good news."

"I'm afraid not."

Renesmee's  heart sank. What could have possibly happened now? Jasper was soon  at her side, and he wrapped his cold arms around her. In the next  minute, she knew why, and was grateful.

"Alice and Bella went hunting," Carlisle said, "they've yet to return."

"He took them," Jacob growled.

Sam  nodded. Renesmee retreated into farther into Jasper's embrace and  leaned against his stone body to keep herself steady. He must have been  using his powers on everyone, because even the wolves were more subdued  than normal.

"So what do we do?" she asked, "I mean, what's our plan?"

"We  have to think things through Ness," Jacob reminded her. "You don't  know what he's capable of. We can't just rush into this."

"Jacob,  my parents are missing," Renesmee cried, suddenly shrugging off Jasper's  arms, but he followed her with his intense golden eyes. She stepped  away from him, and everyone else and said, "What about you, Uncle Jasper. Auntie Alice is missing too! Aren't you  ready to tear this forest apart looking for her?"

Jasper remained  silent and cast his gaze down at the forest floor. "Renesmee," Esme  gently chided her granddaughter, "Jasper is just as worried as the rest  of us are. Jacob's right. We can't rush into this."

"He's right  about another thing too," Renesmee said bitterly. "I don't know what  Alexander and his pack are capable of. None of us do! Who knows? He may  have already killed Dad or Mom or Alice! And I don't know about the rest of you, but that fact alone is enough for me to want to rush into  this."

"She's right," Rosalie spoke up, moving to stand next to  the girl she considered more of a daughter than a niece. She took on  every werewolf and vampire in attendance with her beautiful golden eyes. "We  have no way of knowing what they've done or what they're planning. We  need a plan of our own, and we need it now."

"Hell yeah we do,"  Emmett agreed heartily. Carlisle gave him a withering look as they  entered the house. Emmett shrugged. "What?"

They gathered in the  bright white living room to discuss their course of action. Their plan  needed to be clever, it needed to be flawless, and, as Rosalie had said,  it needed to happen now. Jacob took Renesmee up to her room of the  mansion, the one that had belonged to Edward before he and Bella had  married and moved into the cottage. "Stay here," Jacob ordered.

"What? No, I'm coming with you."

"You are staying put, Renesmee," he said, stinging authority in his voice. He seldom ever called her by her real name.

"Drop the older brother act, Jacob," she cried in frustration. "I'm not a child who needs to be protected any more, remember?"

"I know that, Nessie," Jacob sighed, running his fingers through his short black hair. "Believe me, I know."

"Then let me help! Jake, my parents are gone. Bella is missing! Don't you even care, just a little?"

"Of course I do," he snapped. "Next to you, Bella is my best friend. I'd do anything for her! But I can't lose you both. Please, just stay here where I know you're safe.  Promise me."

Renesmee took his hand away from her face and took a step back, shaking her head. "I can't."

"Then at least say you'll try."

"Jake..." she began to protest, but he interrupted her.

"Please,"  he whispered, and with one of his long strides, he closed the distance  between them. He cupped her face in both his hands and kissed her. It  was not quite as passionate as their first kiss, and she knew he was  just trying to distract her. It irritated her that it was working. Her  mind went blank. She pressed her hands against his chest before she  forgot the fight that they were supposed to be having, and before  everything else faded away other than the fire that Jacob ignited within  her cold body. Her  vampire strength enabled her to push him back. He slid his hands down to her waist to steady her, before pulling his lips  away from hers.

"Not fair," she whispered.

"Don't try anything funny," he said, tucking a curl behind her ear and caressing her cheek. "I'll be watching you."

"Sure, sure," she groaned, plopping down on her bed and staring out the window of her room as he left.

She was still there when Jasper came in. She sat up a little straighter. "Uncle Jasper?"

"Hush," he whispered as he shut the door behind him.

"Uncle  Jasper," she said in a softer tone, "I'm sorry about what I said  earlier today. I didn't mean anything by it. I had no right to accuse  you..."

"No," he said with his southern drawl as he shook his  head. "You were right, Renesmee. I'm worried 'bout Alice. I'll tear this world apart lookin' for her if I have to."

She hopped out of bed and rushed over to him. "What'd the others say about this?" If Jasper was  worried, well, no one else stood much of a chance.

"A few vampires and werewolves ain't gonna agree on any plan within a timely  manner," he said.  "I'm goin' to find them. I know you're worried 'bout  your parents, Renesmee. Do you want to come with me?"

She thought  of Jacob's request. His ridiculous request. Like she was really going  to sit here and do nothing while her family and friends were in danger. "Yes, I'm coming." She would figure out later how to explain breaking her promise to Jacob. That  promise which she technically never made, but knew Jacob would hold  her to.

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