Nothing Can Come Between Us

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Jacob  opened his eyes, his arms wrapped around Renesmee, and realized that  they had fallen asleep on the couch together. Her brown eyes fluttered  open. "Y'know," he whispered hoarsely, "for being part vampire, you sure  do sleep a lot."

"Not really," she sighed, snuggling closer to him. "Only when I'm with you."

"Am I so boring?" he chuckled.

"No,  I'm just so relaxed when I'm with you. I feel safe," she said, and it  was true. While they lay there together, she could almost forget all the  frightening things that had happened in the past few days.

Well  almost. In the next minute, the telephone rang. Jacob kissed her  forehead and went to answer it. In another five minutes, Renesmee  followed him. He sounded worried.

"Yeah," Jacob sighed into the  phone, running his fingers through his coal black hair. "Okay. Thanks  Embry. Call me if you guys find out anything else. Bye."

"Anything else about what?" Renesmee asked when he had hung up the phone.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

"It  has to be something. I know you, Jacob. You only run your fingers  through your hair like that when you're worried about something. What's  wrong?"

"Your dad's missing," Jacob said slowly, wishing there was  some way he could spare her this. Or, at least wishing that someone  else had to be the one to tell her. "He... he never came home."

The  room spun. Renesmee felt her knees begin to buckle beneath her. Then she felt  Jacob's hands gripping her shoulders and holding her up. "Nessie!" he  cried, shaking her a bit. "Honey, it's going to be okay, alright?  Nessie?"

Renesmee looked up at him and searched his face for an answer.

"We're  going to find him," Jacob said, looking her straight in the eye, and he  sincerely hoped it was true. Because by some weird twist of fate, he  and Edward had formed some sort of a bond similar to friendship. Though  he hated to admit it. To convince the girl in his arms and himself, he  added, "I promise you, we're going to find him."

No sooner had the  words fallen out of Jacob's mouth than something crashed through the  window only a few feet away. Jacob instinctively threw Renesmee to the  ground, protecting her from the fall with his powerful arms and  shielding her body with his.

Breathlessly, they watched and  waited. When Jacob was sure they were safe, he helped Renesmee up and  went to inspect the damage. A letter was attached to the rock that had  shattered the window. They carefully stepped around the glass shards to  pick it up. Jacob read it aloud through clenched teeth.

"Mr. Black,

I  do not wish for you to misunderstand us. All we wish is for our revenge  on the Cold Ones. And who could blame us? You of all people know what  they have done to the people of our tribe. Not only have they turned you  into a monster, but they have violated their side of the treaty by  taking away your friend. The woman you loved. Tell me, Jacob. How did it  make you feel when her heart stopped beating?"

Jacob closed  his eyes and took a deep breath. Renesmee saw a muscle in his jaw  twitch. Her half- human heart ached. How dare he bring that up to  deliberately hurt Jacob? It was painful to her as well though. Now that  she realized how deeply she loved Jacob, she couldn't bear to think of him  loving Bella. Nevertheless, she knew they had to finish reading it. She  placed her hand on his shoulder and looked into his dark eyes. Keep going, she thought, we have to know what it says.

Jacob sighed. He knew she was right. He continued reading, "You  cannot tell me that you care for these pale faces? That you call these  blood suckers your friends? Join us, and together as a tribe we can  bring an end to the Cullen clan one by one. We already have the one  named Edward at our disposal, and more are sure to follow. Signed,  Alexander."

"Join them?" Jacob cried. "He expects me to join them? After everything he's done?"

He  stormed outside to cool off and the house shook when he slammed the  back door. She heard his shouting from inside. She hopped up on the  counter and stared into space. Jacob came back in, saw Renesmee, and  assumed that Alexander's letter had frightened her. "Hey," he said,  suddenly much more quiet and gentle than he had been a moment ago. "You  know I won't let them touch you. They're not going to hurt you or anyone  in your family."

"But they might hurt you," she whispered.


"I'm  putting you in danger by staying here, Jake! It's me they're after, not  you," she cried as she made her way towards the door. "I can't stay  here anymore."

"Nessie..." he pleaded, grabbing her arm.

She spun around and tears filled her eyes. "I almost lost you once, Jacob," she sobbed. "I won't let it happen again."

"If  you walk out of my life, I die anyway." Why couldn't she see? How  could he make her understand how much he loved her, how much he needed  her? He'd waited so long to find her, so long to love someone like this.  "You say you can't loose me," he said, desperation filling his pained  voice, "well I can't loose you either. Let me help you. Alexander is  going to be after me anyway when he realizes I've refused his offer. I  love you Renesmee, and nothing is going to come between us. Not  werewolves or vampires or any other freaky thing that might be out there."

He  laughed softly and she smiled, just a little. "Don't be afraid," he  whispered. Then Jacob bent his head down, touching his lips to hers,  hesitantly at first. Renesmee had never been kissed before, and her body  exploded in reaction to Jacob's gentle, yet passionate touch. Her fears  melted away and everything else but him disappeared. Kissing Jacob was  as easy as breathing.

She reached up to touch his face,  and with her other hand, she dug her fingers into his hair. Jacob's  hesitant touch suddenly became more urgent as he pulled her even closer  to him, both of his arms around her waist. The kiss awakened something  new in Renesmee, a human emotion that she had never felt before. And she  was in no hurry to give it up.

Once again the phone rang, and  rang, and rang. It's constant ringing pulled Renesmee out of her trance.  "Jacob," she whispered, "the phone."

"Let it ring," he breathed, his breath hot on her face.

"It could be something about my dad," she reminded him.

Jacob groaned, "You're right."

He  ran to answer it and Renesmee leaned against the counter to catch her  breath. He was barely gone for a minute before he came back in the  kitchen, looking worried and a little confused. "What? What's wrong?"  she asked frantically.

"It was Sam," he said. "He and Carlisle have more information and they want to talk to us."

"Ok," she nodded. Information could be good, right? "Did he sound serious?"

"Yeah,  but when does Sam not sound serious?" Jacob said. "As much as I hate to  say this, because I really want to continue what we were just doing, I  think we should probably go."

"C'mon," she groaned, grabbing his  hand. "Oh, but don't phase, okay? Please? We'll just run. I don't want  you getting hurt again."

"Yes, Mother," he laughed, then pulled her onto his back. "But I'm carrying you, 'cause you'd slow me down."

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