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Jacob  took off running again, traveling faster and faster until he heard  something that made him stop dead in his tracks. He remained still,  barely even breathing, as he waited to hear the voice that sent his  heart soaring every time. He didn't have to wait long. Soon Renesmee's  sweet voice resonated in his mind, Jacob are you there? Can you hear me? Please, Jake...

Jacob's fur stood straight up. This wasn't Renesmee's usual light and cheerful voice. She sounded afraid. I'm here Ness, he answered her. I can hear you, honey. Are you alright? Where are you?

I don't know where I am exactly. I don't know...

Are you alright though, Nessie?

Yes. He says he isn't going to do anything to us yet. He says he wants to talk to the descendant of Ephraim Black.

Who wants to talk to me, Ness? he asked, though he had a pretty good guess.

Alexander.  I'm sorry, Jacob. I know you told me to stay put, but I was so worried.  I had to see if I could go and find them. And now this...

Everything is going to be okay, and I'm not mad at you Nessie. Honey, what did you mean 'yet'?

He  says... he says that he's going to kill us one by one if he doesn't get  to speak with you, until the whole Cullen clan is wiped from the face  of the earth. He says it's to avenge the people of your tribe who died  at the hands of those horrible vampires.

I won't let him do that, Ness, Jacob growled fiercely. I'll kill him before he has a chance to touch you!

No you won't, she said, her voice coming across clear and determined. You can't take them all on at once, Jacob. Not alone. Go get everyone else. You'll need their help.

That'll take too long, he said shaking his head.

I can wait, she said bravely, though he could still hear the edge of fear in her voice. I don't want you to get hurt, again. Besides, if something were to happen to you, what do you think Alexander would do to us? she reminded him, knowing it was the only way to make him go get help, and not rush into his rescue mission without thinking it through.

Jacob groaned and began running back toward the house. We'll be there soon. Nothing's going to happen Ness. I'm coming.

I love you Jake, she said, and it sounded like she was about to cry again.

Always and Forever, right? he said, trying to send a smile to wherever she might be.

Right, she sighed before her voice faded away.

Jacob rushed back into the house. "Alexander has Ness and Jasper, Alice, Edward, and Bella too."

"Isn't  that what the mutt ran out of here saying?" Rosalie scoffed. "We know  that, you idiot! What we don't know is what we're going to do about it."

"I  know what we have to do," Jacob said, ignoring her insults and turning  to Sam and Carlisle. "Nessie said that Alex is demanding to talk to me.  If not... if I don't, he's going to kill them."

"You spoke to her?" Carlisle asked, astonished.

Jacob  nodded. Bella and Edward knew about the special way he and Renesmee  could communicate, but they'd never told anyone else. Even though  Renesmee could show her thoughts to others, it only worked if she was  touching them somehow. That's how it worked between the two of them as  well when Jacob was in his human form. But when he transformed into a  wolf, she could speak to him from miles away, and he could answer her as  well. It was just another way that told Jacob he was meant to be with  her. "I heard her as clearly as I hear you now."

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