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Edward lay his sleeping daughter down gently on her bed as Bella watched him from the doorway. She was still amazed that this perfect being before her was her husband. More amazing still, was that she was able to have his child. Their perfect angel, Renesmee.  Her little nudger. She smiled as she watched Edward tuck the covers around their daughter with as much care and gentleness as he had when she was a child. Although, Bella still felt Renesmee was just a child.  Even though she looked and acted like a sixteen year old, she had only been on this earth for six years. Bella secretly worried how long Jacob would wait before taking her daughter away from her. She knew that one day they would marry, but she wanted more time with her baby. After all, she hadn't  given birth to her for Jacob. It was for her and Edward that she had gone through so much to have Renesmee. Was it so wrong to want to keep her for just a little while longer?

Edward kissed his daughter's cheek and turned to smile at his wife. He slipped his arms  around her waist and kissed her, asking, "What are you thinking about, my love?"

"Would it be strange for me to stand here all night and just watch her sleep?" Bella asked.

"No,"  he sighed. "Not when I was contemplating the same thing. In the past  few days, I've had to live with the fear of never seeing either of you again. The thought of losing you two... of seeing you, but not being able to reach you... it was the worst pain I've ever experienced."

"I know," Bella said. "She's my entire world. I can't even begin to imagine life without her and six years ago, she wasn't even here. We had no intention of becoming parents, but now I can't hardly remember what it was like without her."

"Neither can I," he whispered. "I never dreamed that I could be this happy. I never dared hope..." His  voice broke, and Bella laid her head against his chest. She sighed. She  still loved him just as much as she had before they got married. Edward  laid his head on top of hers, and continued, "I owe it all to you.  Thank you, my Bella. For your love. For our daughter."

"You're welcome. And thank you for loving me."

Suddenly, Edward's body went rigid. "What is it?" Bella asked, a bit concerned by the look of annoyance on his face.

"Jacob's here," he groaned.

"Be  nice," she warned, even though she was slightly irritated that their nice family moment was ruined. "He just saved our lives, and you know Renesmee wants to see him."

He groaned as he headed down the stairs, much slower than he usually did. "I'll be good, I promise."

Edward  opened the door for Jacob who stepped inside without waiting for an  invitation. "Renesmee's upstairs sleeping. And that's what I want her to keep doing, understand?" Edward warned. "I'll be watching you."

"Sure, sure. I'm too tired to try and think up ways to bug you tonight anyway," Jacob sighed as he made his way up the stairs. Before he even knew that Edward had moved, he was  in front of him. Jacob groaned. "Dude, I'm really not going to do anything but sleep, I swear. I just want to be with her. You're not the only one who was afraid that they were going to lose their reason for  living today."

"I know that, Jacob," Edward said, in a more gentle tone than the one he had been previously using. "I can hear your  thoughts, and they're honorable. I just... I just wanted to thank you. I  don't know what would've happened if you hadn't been there today."

"You're welcome," Jacob nodded. "I know if it came right down to it, you'd do the same for me."

Edward  nodded. As Jacob passed him, he could not help but tease "She probably  won't need the covers I put on her with her own personal space heater beside her."

She probably won't need her pajamas either, Jacob thought, looking over his shoulder to be sure he caught Edward's  reaction. He was glad he did. "Relax," Jacob laughed. "I was just  kidding. You should've seen the look on your face! That's all for  tonight, I promise. It was just so easy, I couldn't pass it up."

"Watch  yourself, Black," Edward said, "I will be."  Jacob couldn't tell if he should laugh or be nervous.

"Sweet dreams to you too, Eddie," Jacob sighed  as he opened Renesmee's door. He smiled when he saw her sweet face, so  peaceful and calm as she slept. He took off his tee shirt, and drew back the covers of the bed so he could lie next to her. She didn't stir. She  had to be as tired as he was for that not to wake her, because usually, Renesmee was a light sleeper. She lay on her side in an old tee and some sweatpants, and, to Jacob, she had never looked more beautiful. He  slid onto the sheets beside her and wrapped his arms around her.  Noticing the abrupt change in temperature, Renesmee awoke.

"Jake?" she whispered.

"Right  here, Sweetheart," he assured her. She turned around in his arms to  face him. She sighed and snuggled against his chest. "Hey, Ness?" he  asked softly.


"Next time you want to do something so  rebellious and stupid, like chasing after a bunch of angry, violent wolves, promise me one thing."


"Tell me first so I  can go with you. You have no clue how terrified I was, not knowing where you were, or if you were alright..."

"Ok," she whispered, kissing his shoulder. "From now on it's just you and me against the world."

He leaned his head down and kissed her lips. "I can deal with that," he sighed.

"I love you, Jacob," she whispered. "Forever and always."

"Forever and always, Ness," he sighed. Just before drifting off to sleep beside his true love, he whispered, "Kwopkalawo'li."

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