I Will Always Come for You

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"Edward," Alice called frantically, "Edward!"

"Alice,  what..." Edward began to ask, but then caught the panicked gaze of his  favorite sister. They stood just for a moment, just long enough for  Alice to reveal that her vision of Renesmee had changed from fuzzy to  completely gone, which could only mean one thing.


"No," Edward growled as he ran out the door.

Renesmee  walked through the forest back to the reservation. Jacob, Seth, and  Edward had all begged to accompany her for protection but she had  refused them all. They had only agreed to what they viewed as her  reckless act of independence when Alice had agreed to try and keep an  eye on her. Suddenly, she heard twigs snapping, and a low growl that  made her hair stand on end. On human instinct, she froze, her half human  heart beating wildly as she waited for whatever it was to emerge from  the shadows.

Within a span of about five seconds, Renesmee saw  it's glowing eyes, and then whatever it was leaped to attack her. She  fell back when she saw the huge wolf.

Just then, a low  growl, more frightening than that of the wolf's echoed from the trees,  and Edward shot out of the woods so fast that Renesmee hardly saw him.  He lunged at the wolf, knocking it to the ground.

"Daddy?" she  gasped. They rolled, crashing through the trees, biting, clawing, and  growling the whole way. Renesmee began to follow, when another wolf  jumped in front of her. She gasped, but this time, her vampire instincts  kicked in. She jumped back and crouched, ready to attack. But before  she could, the wolf lowered his head to her level and looked her in the  eye. "Jake?" she whispered, relaxing her stance.

It's me, Ness, he assured her as his voice echoed in her mind. C'mon, let's get you out of here.

Jake, didn't you see what just happened? We have to go after them! she continued, both now communicating through their thoughts.

My  main concern right now is you. Once I know that you're safe, then I'll  come back and help. The rest of the pack is on their way now, and I'd  assume the rest of your family is too.

"I'm not leaving, Jacob," she said out loud, planting her feet firmly in the ground.

Jacob drew closer to her, their faces so close now, his hot breath blew her hair back from her face. Wolves  from Alex's pack are probably also on their way, so we have a limited  amount of time to get you out of here. If you don't climb onto my back  right now, Nessie, I will drag you in my mouth, but either way I am  taking you home!

You wouldn't dare.

Try me.

"Fine," Renesmee huffed, climbing onto his back. Giddy up then.

A laugh rumbled from deep inside Jacob's chest as he took off toward his house. A vampire riding a werewolf. We'd make for one weird western.

Shut up. I'm still mad at you.

You'll get over it.

Renesmee just groaned and was careful not to think anything for the rest of the trip.

They  arrived at his house and Jacob dropped her off at the front door while  he went around back to phase and pull on his jean shorts. Inside,  Renesmee started pacing in the small living room, waiting for Jacob to  come in so she could give him a piece of her mind for making her come  home when her father needed her. She heard the back door open and close  and she called out to him, but he didn't answer. "Jacob?" she called  again, making her way to the back door. When she laid eyes on him, all  her anger evaporated and was quickly replaced with concern.

He  stood just inside the doorway, his face ashen, leaning heavily against  the wall. The stitches along the gash in his forehead had reopened and  blood trickled down his cheek. "What happened?" she gasped, rushing over  to him.

"Sam was right," he sighed, trying to smile for her. "I wasn't ready to phase yet."

He  stumbled through the kitchen and to the couch in the living room.  Renesmee made him lay down, and he didn't try and fight her. His body  burned beneath her touch. "Geez Jake," she said, "you're on fire." She  left the room in search of a first aid kit and a cool cloth.

"That's normal," he said quietly when she returned. "You're just freezing. That's why I feel so hot."

"No,  you're definitely warmer than normal," she said, laying a the damp  towel over his chest and then she began to dig through the old first aid  kit.

"I can't believe we have one of those actually, y'know with  the whole fast healing thing," he said as she started to wipe away the  blood on his face. "You don't have to worry about that. It'll probably  heal before you can even put a bandage on it."

"Like it did last time?" she asked teasingly.

"Well,  it was almost gone," he smiled. But then it faded when he said, "You  really don't have to do this Ness, if it's hard for you, or something."

"No, it's okay," she said placing a butterfly bandage over the wound. "Werewolves smell awful."

"What?"  Jacob asked, a hurt look on his face. He knew that vampires and  werewolves had a stink that only the other one could smell, but for some  reason, he had sort of thought that it had skipped Nessie. He had hoped  it wouldn't apply or something. He frowned, "I smell awful to you?"

"Just your blood, really," she smiled, trying to reassure him. "The human part of me thinks you smell wonderful though."

"I  guess I can live with that," he said taking her hand. Then an ornery  grin played at the corner of his mouth. "Honestly, vampires don't smell  all that great either."

"Haha," she laughed dryly. "If you were feeling better, I'd smack you."

He squeezed her hand and smiled, "That's my girl."

They  both fell silent for a moment. Jacob was perfectly content just to look  at her. And realizing that he could do it for the rest of his life, or  existence, made him so much more than just happy. As long as he kept her  safe anyway, which was proving as difficult as protecting her mother  had been.

Renesmee traced her finger around the bandage on his  forehead. He was right. He was healing quickly, already the blood flow  had stopped. But still... "Why did you come?" she whispered. "You could  barely phase, Jake. What if you would have had to fight? You could have  really been hurt."

"Hey," Jacob hushed, tracing his thumb over her knuckles, "I will always come for you. No matter what. If you need me, I'll be there. Okay?"

Renesmee nodded as Jacob brought her hand to his lips and kissed it briefly. "I love you," she whispered.

"Always and forever, Ness."

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