🎶 I see you : MISSIO 🎶
I'm standing in the doorway like an idiot. Trying to lift my jaw back up off the floor as I take in the woman before me, her thoughts crystal clear in my head as her gaze penetrates mine. Big soulful eyes offering up all that's sweet in the world but hidden behind a bush of thorns, grown in her own defense to hide a heart as pure as gold.
She's different from anybody I've ever seen before. Long black hair, sleek against dark chocolate skin. Perfect brows cover those dark caramel expressive eyes. The white of her shirt makes the darkness of her skin stand out a bit more golden, a dark goddess in the flesh.
The lip ring she's wearing; a shiny silver against her dark rose lips. Her scent... oh my lord have mercy. Even through the disinfectant her blood smells sweet. A mixture of roses and mountains. Utterly feminine, with the hint of wildness that makes my blood boil.
The anxiety I feel after the first interaction is completely unfounded. I have to dig deeper, or maybe closer to the surface to find her intentions. I shouldn't ever dwell this far, already my resistance is cracking. I can't help myself when I search into her eyes. I need to know if she's going to hurt Charlotte. If she's been sent by my Uncle Killian. Uncle D said he shot him but couldn't confirm his death. Therefor we assume he's still alive.
'...I wonder what he tastes like...'
Ah.... ummm... what?
I can feel the blush rising, parts of me gardening at the mere thought of what those tantalizing lips could do. I nearly groan, stopping myself at the last moment, shoving my knuckles into my mouth.
I don't think she's going to be a problem for Charlotte. I think she's going to be a problem for me.
I really wish Roman had come with me.Maybe Reggie will be willing to carry her to the truck. I glance up, he's shaking his head, eyes dancing as he hears my inner struggle.
I thought my telepathy was bad... Reg has it worse. It's why he doesn't really go out anymore. Daphne can talk your ear off but really helps calm Reg down. Makes things silent for him.
How such a yakalot woman could be someone's silent temple is beyond me. I firmly believe that the whole mating thing is a scam. No way that you can be so attracted to someone you want to bite them and keep them around forever. It doesn't work like that.
My dad is a prime example. He's had two "mates". My mom, and Mabel. After mom died he may have lost it for a bit but Mabel pulled him out. If the stories were true about mates... he never would have made it out of the gutter he was putting himself in.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not sad he survived. It's good to know that you can survive that. He's strong in a lot of ways that I admire. It kind of killed my romantic outlook on life though. Peoples thoughts are always too dirty and muddled to really find the joy in it. I just don't get it. I've had my own fair share of hookups, but never anything deeper.
I look up at the woman on the bed again to find her staring at me. She's worried she's done something wrong. Fretting that she won't be able to get Charlotte away from Killian.
Hmmm, now that's a thought. Charlotte is taller than this woman by a long shot, yet Char seems to have more muscle and is less insecure. Probably helps that Char's mated to my Uncle Damien. There's not an insecure bone in his body. Not one.
I get how the mate bond works. I do. I just don't think it's for me. How great can having someone rely on you and you eventually fail them be?
Everyone leaves.

Confessions of a Wanton
WerewolfCharlotte St, James, Char for short, never again to be called Charlie, hasn't been one to live in the past and won't be starting anytime soon. Choosing instead to move on from tragedy and live her life to the fullest. Only most people wouldn't beco...