🎶 Shakin' off the Rust : The Blue Stones 🎶
"-no bloody idea what she is-!"
"My fucking mate Declan."
"-or where her allegiances lie-"
"With me."
"-or even where she's actually from-"
"Doesn't matter."
"-She's been with your brother for years-"
"She could be from the bloody Silver Moon Pack for all we know."
"It doesn't fucking matter. What does matter is that she's with me. With us." Damiens voice was sharp. Tone leaving no room for negotiation.
"I don't bloody believe it. With your brothers little fuck bunny-!" The other mans words cut off as Damiens hand encircled his throat. Or at least that's what it sounded like.
I've choked many men who were talking shit. The sounds that Declan's making are very similar to a shit talker getting put into a choke hold of sorts. Put in their place.
"Do. Not. Ever. Call. Her. That. Again."
I blinked, rolling over slightly. I'd fallen asleep in the back of the truck with Damiens arms around me. We're parked next to a wall, Inside of what looks like a warehouse, the roof is high, white rafters litter the ceiling. I'm laying flat in the truck bed, sans Damien, but I can clearly hear the conversation next to me.
Jax is still in the same position in the truck. Arms laced around the half black beauty I call friend. Legs splayed lazily out as if he hasn't been in the same position for what feels like days.
Maze is snuggled close to him, face buried in his neck area. She looks to be sleeping, content and peaceful. Jax is wide awake watching the commotion with a somber expression.
How long have we been here? I hope the kids aren't hearing this.
"Charlotte is my mate. My responsibility. If you have a problem with that or want to have a go at her you will have to go through me first." I'd never heard Damien sound so menacing, so quiet. I nearly preened at his declaration.
"Is that understood Declan." There's no fluctuation in his tone to indicate it was a question. Merely a statement that showed his authority over whoever Declan is.
Sounds like an old fart by the way his voice scratches slightly. Or maybe he was a heavy smoker for years. I don't smell cigarette smoke wafting through the room so I believe it's safe to say there are no current smokers among us. A few hotties for sure but... I want to see who all is here.
Jax's gaze locks with mine as if he heard the thought. He smiles imperceptibly, shaking his head slightly.
That's right he can read thoughts. What a stinker. They'd told me as much over that breakfast before I fell apart. I shivered, my moments of weakness feeling like an embarrassing tale that got shared with the world.
I'll take his advice and lie low until they're finished. Even though my curiosity is burning my insides. I kinda want to see Damien put someone in a headlock. I bet it's sexy as hell.
Jax smiled wider at me. His eyes shining with mirth. He knows my inner struggles.
I flip him off for good measure.
His laughter seemed to echo out of the truck bed. Sounding much louder than it actually was in the large room.
I grinned cheekily. I had gotten Jax to laugh.

Confessions of a Wanton
WerwolfCharlotte St, James, Char for short, never again to be called Charlie, hasn't been one to live in the past and won't be starting anytime soon. Choosing instead to move on from tragedy and live her life to the fullest. Only most people wouldn't beco...