1.4 - apology milkshake

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899,204 likes maddi_clifford: pit stop in berlin, ash and i lost these two for an hour and a half and found them like this 🤦🏼‍♀️ @calumhood @michaelclifford

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maddi_clifford: pit stop in berlin, ash and i lost these two for an hour and a half and found them like this 🤦🏼‍♀️ @calumhood @michaelclifford

michaelclifford: in our defence, you and ashton were looking at cooking appliances and that shit is boring so we left to go and entertain ourselves 🤷🏻‍♂️
ashtonirwin: @michaelclifford heyyy it's not boring! maddi and i had loads of fun :)
maddi_clifford: @ashtonirwin we did indeed my friend :))
lukehemmings: @michaelclifford @ashtonirwin @maddi_clifford @calumhood you guys are all meanies, where was my invitation?! you all left me on the bus!
calumhood: @lukehemmings we left you on the bus for a reason...
maddi_clifford: @lukehemmings you were sleeping we didn't wanna wake you :(
lukehemmings: @maddi_clifford whatever
malum_loves: my ship my ship my ship 🥰
pizzan5sos: yikes... anyone else concerned about what is happening bts??
dr_flukeluke: @pizzan5sos profusely concerned
lostboy_ash: omgggg ash and maddi looking at cooking appliances is sooooo hecking cute!!!
irwin707: am i the only one who low key ships ash and maddi?? 👀
cdizzleindahood: my lord those two are adorable 😍 😍😍

maddison gabrielle clifford

"Alright," Katherine the boys' tour manager sighed, her head shaking which caused her auburn coloured bun to bob up and down, "2 hours and no longer, or we'll be behind schedule." She nodded warily at her watch and brushed us off, Ashton and I giggling in excitement.

Ashton, Calum and I had been pestering Katherine about letting us go to a shopping mall, since we hadn't had any opportunities to go anywhere outside of the venues yet.  She finally caved and agreed to let us out for a couple of hours.

"Just make sure to stick together please, speaking of which, where is Luke?" I immediately tensed up, feeling Calum do the same beside me. Truthfully, each of us knew exactly where Luke was. The thought alone made me feel sick. He'd decided once again that he needed some 'alone time' with a cute blonde from the second row. The surge of emotions I'd felt when Calum first told me made it difficult to pin point one feeling towards the situation. Does all of this mean I have feelings for Luke? I dread to know the answer.

"Let's get going, I wanna get some new jeans," I screwed up my face at Calum and turned to face him.

"Why on earth do you need more jeans? You literally have like 40 pairs in your suitcase," I shook my head while Cal just shrugged.

"Michael and Luke steal all of mine so I have to get new ones."

"Hey! I do not steal your clothes," Michael grumbled beside me and stuck his tongue out at Calum.

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

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