Boy Next Door

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5 hours have passed and he still hasn't come back. I'm not complaining. I'm relieved that he left me with my thoughts alone. Although his bodyguards are staying in the living room, they aren't bothering me much. It's better for my security and I'm staying in my room anyway.

Come to think about what happened earlier today. Something just doesn't add up. First of all, why would anyone decide to attack someone as powerful as Jason? And why did he save someone as the unknown X on his phone? After all, he left in a rush when that person called him.

The door rings and some of the men inside opens the door. So I'm guessing his unfinished bussines is done, right? Too bad, i wish he wouldn't come back at all tonight.
I hear his footsteps towards my room and then he knocks on my door. I sigh in annoyance. Please, five hours of peace wasn't enough. I need more. I get up to open the door.
"Can you leave me alone? I cleaned the house-" As the door opens an unfamiliar face comes out in front of me. Who the heck? Am i hallucinating things now too?
This unknown guy waves at me in an energetic way. His aura around him gives off the complete opposite of Jasons. He seems more like a passive guy. Jason on the other hand, is just plain aggressive.

"Who..?" i say in a quiet tone and he begins to smile.
"I'm guessing he hasn't told you about me yet"
A big question mark appears over my head.
"I'm in charge of keeping you company tonight" he added.
Does this mean jason isn't coming back today? I get excited yet still remain confused.
"You're more quiet than I imagined. May i step inside? " I move to the side and let him in.
He roams around and checks my room. His appearance is still questionable to me. He's dressed in a casual hoodie but it still looks neat on him. His hair is a bit in a messy form yet it still sits perfectly. His image gives off like the boy-next-door. He doesn't seem like one of Jason's people at all. He seems more reliable.
"So this is where he's been keeping you?" he turns over me.
"As expected from him"
Is he close with Jason?
He raises one eyebrow. "Ah it kinda feels awkward when i talk to myself"
I want to give a response but I'm still cautious. Last time i trusted someone, everything got ruined.
"I'll go back to the kitchen and prepare us something to eat. In the meantime, you can warm yourself up. I bet you have many questions going on inside your little head" This guy, which i still dont know his name, understands my silence. Unlike Jason, an impatient Jerk.
As he goes out of my room i begin to talk.
"Actually.. I'm ready to talk" i said.
He turns back to me and gives me a gesture to follow him. We arrive to kitchen and he points to the dinner table.
"Make yourself comfortable. I bet you're starving"
I give him a worrisome look as he takes out the pot.
"Don't worry I'm not a terrible chef. Well, to be honest I master in making pasta" he laughs and i can see two dimples forming on his cheeks.
"Are you close friends with Jason?" i asked without hesitation and he looks surprised at me
"Finally you talk, and yes. I mean, would you consider childhood friends as brothers too?"
And that's when i realized again that it's impossible for me to find a normal person. How silly of me. Why did i even think about him being a better person than Jason. They probably share the same thoughts as they grew up together.

"And you're okay with what he's doing to me?" i asked.

"No one said that I'm agreeing with him."

"Then, why don't you stop Jason?"

"Well girl, it's simple. He knows my deepest secrets. You think im gonna call a brother out? "

"So he's threatening you, isn't he?"

"If that's what you want to call it" He finishes the sauce for the pasta and cleans the table.

What worse thing could he possibly have done, that he decided to help Jason?

"By the way, My name is Haru. What shall I call you? "

"Li yin is fine, since everyone already else knows it"

"Nothing stays hidden. But you can try to protect it as long as you can. Like my secrets. Like Jason's" he let a brief wisdom out.

He serves the table and we start eating. Surprisingly the pasta was well made, maybe a little too salty. And i notice that i was really hungry.

Haru looks at me "One moment" he giggles. He takes a napkin and wipes the corners of my mouth.
"You're really are a messy eater, aren't you" and keeps cleaning.

Suddenly his hand was pushed away from my face.
"That's it. You can get out." Jason growls.

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