Pizza shop

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(A/n ok I so so sorry about not uploading but my WiFi has been terrible and it keeps failing so yea)
Kairi's POV
    ......I was falling and I thought I was going to fall right to the ground and land face first but midway through the air I stop and someone caught me I look over and see mattia standing there looking down at me as there was almost a face full of kairi on the sidewalk, we both looked a each other for a few moments before I felt my legs getting picked up off the ground and I realized mattia picked me up.
                                   Mattia's POV
I saw kairi falling to the ground I quickly caught him before he did and I couldn't help but admire him but after a few moments I decided to pick him and I did (he picked him up bridal style)
Kairi: put me downnn!!!
Mattia: no can do baby we can't have you fall down again can we? I said with a smirk
Kairi suddenly buried his head in my chest and I thought he was so cute and we walked like that all the way there once we were at the pizza shop I put  him down
                                 Kairi's POV
   After mattia called me baby I couldn't help but blush and I had to hide it so i buried my head in his chest and about 3 minutes later he put me down and I relized we were here so I walked in and looked for a table I found a booth and sat down mattia trailing behind me we sat down, two minutes later...
Mattia: what do you want?
Kairi: ummmm ohhh can I get three slices of pepperoni and banana peppers ( that's my favorite you should try it but yea back to the story)
Mattia: gotcha luvvvv
Mattia said that and laughed and walk away quickly to order about five minutes later he came back with two plates of pizza and drinks I got up and helped him place everything down then we ate and made small talk we were about to leave because it was getting pretty dark outside
Kairi: Waitttt
Mattia: WHAT?!?
I have to use the bathroom I said softly making  mattia look back at me and his eyes softened and he nodded indicating i can go and I went into the bathroom and saw.......

    (Ahhaha you thought it was over)
(Kinda rape warning)
-kairi walked into the bathroom and saw chase Hudson he quickly tried walking into a stall but chase saw him and dragged him into the big one and said who are you trying to run from (a/n I don't like using this word and I am also not in anyway homophobic so yea) you little f*ggy I wont hurt you, he smirked and unzipped his pants along with kairi's and he tried taking kairi's boxers off but  kairi blocked him from doing it so chase just pulled his down and told kairi to bend down and when kairi refused chase punched him and pushed him on his knees-
                               Mattia's POV
    Kai was taking so long so I decided to go in and see what was taking him so long so right as I walked him I heared a  familiar voice it was kairi's and he was begging someone to stop so i walked over to the stall where the sound was coming form and kicked open the door and saw kairi crying on his knees with his pants pulled down and chase Hudson with his pants and boxers down I finally realized what was happening and pushed chase out of the stall and asked Kai if he was ok he said yea so I walked over to chase who had gotten his boxers and pants up and was heading for the door I grabbed him by his shirt and started punching him and he started bleeding kinda bad so I stopped and picked Kai up from the position he some how  managed to stay in on the stall floor and I hugged him he pulled his pants up and we walked out of the bathroom and out of the shop and sat down at a bench outside and I asked him what happened and he explained what chase did, I wondered why he would do that I always knew chase bullied him but to try and rape him was over the line and why would he think Kai was gay things didn't add up so I asked him why
                                       Kairi's POV
     Flashback 2 years
I was over my friend chases house and I told him I think I had a crush and he asked who and I told him I think I might be bi and he laughed in my face and said I was a f*g and I should kill myself and that I was going to hell, he started punching me and kicking me and I was all bruised up and I was crying horribly and he yelled at me to get out so I went downstairs and left I was walking home and it started raining it was late and my phone died and I couldn't see properly because how much he punched me in my face and the rain i was walking aimlessly and I saw a bus stop with a bench and I slept there I woke up the next morning to chase punching me I walked home, finally home it was 11 am and I took a shower and laid in my bed I decided to eat something so I walked downstairs and I made a sandwich and I got out a knife and cut my sandwich and I thought chase might be right I made sure no one was home I mean it was the middle of the day and I cut my wrist only a little so I could cover it with my sweatshirt but I stopped because it made a messed I cleaned it up really quick then ate and went to sleep I never told anyone else that I might be bi
                                Mattia's POV
         As Kai told me that my heart broke after he said he wasn't bi and I just started to tear up he was still crying and I hugged him and told him everything is gonna be ok and I said I will protect him and chase won't hurt him I felt so bad for him he is so just idk PERFECT how could anyone hurt him my heart ached for him and we sat like that for a while we finally got up and walked home he didn't fall this time we got home and we changed into sweats and sweatshirts since before we were wearing ripped jeans we laid down in my bed on our phones about ten minutes after I called his name lowly to tell him I was going to sleep but I looked at him and realized he was already asleep and he looked so cute so I covered him up and went to sleep myself
(A/n I hoped you liked this and I will strat post every day it's just that it's late and I am tired I'll post tomorrow and sorry for any typos <3J)

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