End of Samy+Mar

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Kairi's POV
-I woke up and still had my horrible headache Mattia was still asleep so I quietly climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom I got in there and I checked my bruises and they were all purple and yellow I still had a cut on my forehead from Mattia pushing me in the cart and the cut I did from yesterday let's just say I was a lil beat up, I sighed and went downstairs and sat at the island we had and put my head down then I felt a hand on my back and I whipped my head around and it was Samy-
S: morning son
K: good morning
-he walked around to the other side of the island and saw my bruises-
S: my god kai what happened
K: Jenna
S: Kai tell me you didn't get beat up by a girl
-he was laughing as he said that-
K: well 1) I can't hit her back and 2) I was asleep when she started punching me
-he handed me a cup of water and I took a sip-
S: so how'd you sleep
K: good, you?
-I took another sip-
S: it was good but mar was acting weird
-I spit out my water and dropped the glass I totally forgot mar cheated on him after I did I ran upstairs and into my room and started shaking Mattia I heard Samy screaming my name in confusion but I shook Mattia until he woke up-
K: Mattia omg we have to tell Samy about mar and Jenna but he's gonna be so crushed but I can't lie for shit what do we do?
M: huh...... omggg yea we just have to tell him it will hurt because it isn't coming from mar but if we dont tell him now and tell him later it will hurt ten times more so let's do it now while mars asleep so he won't kill us right away
K: yea at least now we will have time to run
M: yea
-me and him walked downstairs and called Samy over to the couch and we looked at each other and I took a deep breath-
K: Samy I don't know how to tell you this but ummm last night Mattia walked in on mar uhhh cheating on you
-he just had a blank star on his face he was in shock and I wrapped my arms around him he started crying-
S: who was it with
M: uhhh Jenna
S: oh
-he curled up in a ball and I just hugged him and Mattia went to get food for us three and I just rubbed Samys back and kept telling him to let it all out Mattia finally got back and me and him ate but Samy didn't eat and I knew why then when I finished he just cried in my shoulder then all hell broke loose when mar walked downstairs-
Mar: hey guys- Samy what's wrong
M: uhhhh Kai lets go in the kitchen
K: imma stay but you go
M: k
-Mattia walked in the kitchen and mar walked over to the couch and sat next to Samy and then tried touching him but Samy slapped his hand away-
Mar: Samy what happened
S: your so bipolar
Mar: what happened if it was me I'm so sorry I love you ok
S: hah I bet you weren't thinking that when you were fucking Jenna!
Mar: you fucking told him ri I thought I could trust you
K: you can but Samy means just as much to me as you do and he had the right to know
Mar: fuck I'm so sorry Samy
S: just go away
Mar: no
S: yes go
Mar: NO you fucking need to hear me out!
S: you wanna tell me all the gory details you fucker huh cause I know for a fact all the "Samy I love you your my everything" was bullshit so why the hell would this be true because if you really loved me that wouldn't of happened your a fucking liar and cheater and I don't deserve this shit
Mar: no baby stop
-by this time Samy had got up and was walking away-
S: dont fucking call me that
Mar: cmon you know I love you
S: you don't ok you dont cause if you did none of this would be happening
Mar: no it wouldn't be happening if fucking kai didn't say shit so be mad at him
S: no! He did the right thing
Mar: no he didn't
-mar grabbed samys wrist holding him from leaving-
S: let go of me Mariano
Mar: no I only will if you stay with me
S: I won't! Now let go your hurting me
Mar: no! Say you'll stay with me
S: no mar! Your really hurting me let go
K: mar let go
Mar: no
-I ran over to them and tried pulling mar off him-
K: let go mar
M: no
K: mar!!!!
-mar was trying to push me and Mattia off now cause Mattia was trying to get him off and I noticed samys hand getting purple from mar cutting of his circulation so I pushed mar really hard and yelled get off the I felt five knuckles hit my forehead and I felt blood start pouring out of the place I got cut from Mattia pushing the shopping cart as I stumbled back and I saw mar let go of Samys wrist and run over to me but Mattia pushed him away and Samy ran over too-
M: mar go now like just go somewhere else now
Mar: riri I'm so sorry I didn't-
S: mar just go and we are over!
-Samy was still crying and Mattia carried me to the bathroom and was wiping the blood there was so much eventually they got it to atop and I was placed on my bed and I fell asleep from the blood loose and Samy and Mattia also came in bed with me and I could head Samy crying as I was falling asleep eventually I drifted off, I felt so bad for Samy he was such a good person and he didn't deserve any of this-

Short chap but I'll update more later!⚡️byeee

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