Date night

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    Mattia's POV
-I woke up and kai and Samy weren't in the bed so I got up and brushed my teeth and then headed downstairs I saw mar and Kai I'm the couch I wasn't gonna freak out because was calm so I'm sure they figured everything out so I sat next to mar and dapped him up then I got back up and fixed a bowl of cereal I walked back over and kai just looked at me-
M: can I help you sir
K: where is mine
M: uh you have legs and arms fix it yourself
K: ugh your so mean to me
-he got up and fixed one then sat back down us three were just watching tv then Zach, hector and Robby walked downstairs-
M: morning
Z: good morning
H: hey
R: good morning lovebirds and mar
- we were all just having conversations I was mainly just eating and joining in on a few then about after ten minutes there was a knock I guess no one heard it because they were in their conversations so I got up and answered it when I opened the door there was two girls standing there-
M: uh how can i help you
Girl 1: oh um i here for Zach he said he lived here
Girl 2: and I'm her friend and I had to come
M: oh um ok, zach get your hairy ass over here
Z: don't lie you love my ass
-Zach came over and the first girl that talked kissed him and I moved out of the door way so they could both come in and the walked into the living room and then I heard kai scream a name I closed the door and walked over and I saw kai and the girl that didn't kiss Zach hugging I was so confused-
H: and who are these fine ass women
Z: um this one is mine her name is Gia
H: ok and you
-he pointed to the girl kai was still hugging she pulled away and looked at hector-
Girl 2: I'm Lehani
H: oh well don't be shy come sit with me
M: wait kai how do you know her
K: she used to be my neighbor
M: ohh well welcome gia and lehani
G: thanks
Leh: yea thank you
M: Kai uh what do you want to do tonight
-I walked over and sat next to him-
K: I don't know
M: wanna go on a date just the two of us
K: sure
G: wait you two are gay
K: no I'm gay hes bi
G: ew that's weird
M: why
G: because two guys should not be dating
K: why not
G: because that's gross and I don't like it so please stop
M: ok kai turn your gay button off
K: got it sir
G: thanks
M: wait this bitchhh
-me and kai busted out laughing and so did mar-
Mar: cmon guys we have to be straight now cause it's obviously just something we can turn off and on
K: yea mar
Z: can you guys not she doesn't know
Mar: Zach my man she is what like what 16 or 17 and doesnt know gay or bi people don't have an on and off button
G: your gay too
Mar: most certainly and if you have a problem with that you can walk right out of that door
K: bye bye sweetie
M: alright darling don't touch anything on the way out
K: you did not Ahahah
Z: guys I'm out y'all are being hella disrespectful
M: oh ok we are says the one defending the girl who is telling three not straight people to stop not being straight because she doesn't like it what the fuck, get out my house now
K: bye bye now
-Zach got up and started walking out with Gia-
G: lehani come now!
M: you can stay if you cool being surround by mostly gay people
Leh:yea I don't care my sister is bi and I'm cool
K: hun she ain't coming now please be gone I can smell the fish from here
G: ok gay bitch
-Zach and Gia walked out and slammed the door-
M: so lehani now that Zach is gone there is an extra bed your welcome to live here if you want
Leh: really
H: yup
Leh: omg I would love that where is it
K: upstairs but just to let you know you will be sharing a room with hector
-he pointed to hector and she looked at him-
Leh: oh well then nevermind
H: uhh excuse me
Leh: just kidding he's cute
K: oh and there are two more gays upstairs
Mar: two?
K: yea varo and ale
Mar: and Samy
K: oh then I mean three wait no two because ale doesn't know what he is yet but him and varo are dating so basically three and Roshaun and Robby but they aren't gay and Robby is next to you
R: wassup oh and Samy is the mom of the group so don't be doing dumb shit around him omg I'm still in time out for cussing
Leh: y'all seem like fun
R: we are
H: anyways I'll show you to our room cutie
Leh: ok
-they both got up went upstairs then mar and Robby started talking -
K: anyways where do you want to go tonight
M: uh I have a place
K: ok
    Time skip to later after they got ready
-I finally got ready and was waiting on kai I told him I was gonna wait in the car and I was then he finally walked out and got in the car-
M: gosh took you twenty years
K: I kept getting distracted
-we pulled into the parking lot and we went inside and got waited on we ordered and ate everything was good then this waiter was walking bye and a cup of ranch spilled all over my head and got on my pants they kept apologizing then they gave of free dessert and  20% off our meal finally we were leaving and kai kept laughter about that guy spilling the drink on me and we decided to dive around for a little bit and we were then I ran was almost aou go gas I barely mad it into this parking lot of some store and I saw someone walk out I ran over to the store and was about to open the door-
Rando worker: uh dude the store just closed read the sign but stay narly man
-I heard kai laughing at the guys voice and what he said that made me started laughing too I grabbed the keys and my phone but it was dead just great then i told kai and we started walking to find a gas station or something but kai kept stopping and sitting down-
M: Kai get you ass up and come on
K: I cant  soldier go on with out me
M: this bitch, um remember the saying no man left behind
K:hahah it's from toy story
M: no it's not it's from this forrest gump
K: whattttt nope it isn't
M: yea it is
K: no
M: yes
K: no
M: yes
K: no
M: yes it it no get up
K: no
M: remember that guys voice
K: yea uh stay narly man
M: ahahaha
-then a car pulled up next to us and Samy came running out and hugged kai-
S: omg son I was so worried everyone said that they didn't know why you guys were taking so long so I checked life 360 like any good parent and realized you left your phone at home and that Mattia's was around here dead so I rushed over like the dad I am and rescued you
M: what about me
S: oh my other son welcome to the family come here boy
-I walked over and he hugged us both he was so funny but so kind and nice then he pulled away-
S: so what happened here
K: Mattia's stupid car ran out of gas
S: oh I was talking about the smell one of you stink
K: also Mattia a waiter spilled ranch on him
S: ahaha I wish I saw that
M: very funny let me get my phone out of my car and then Samy call a tow truck
S: got it
-Samy walked away and I walked to the car and so did kai-
M: Kai I'm sorry for tonight it was horrible
K: no it wasn't I laughed so hard I nearly peed it was so nice have fun and laugh with you
M: really
K: yea now let's go home
-we hopped in Samys car and drove home the tow truck gave my car gas and towed it home then I took a shower and then all the boys and lehani and I watched a movie and we all fell asleep on the couch or floor-

Ok I wanted to add more people cause I have a good idea so yea and here is lehani and the Gia after they are both 16

Ok I wanted to add more people cause I have a good idea so yea and here is lehani and the Gia after they are both 16

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