Fake relationship

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Kairi's POV
-I woke up and it was 3:00 am I got up and used the bathroom when I looked in the mirror I realized the handprint turned into a bruise,I went downstairs for some water I was getting water when I heard the door open I got scared and backed into a corner of the kitchen the door closed and I heard foot steps nearing me then I saw Mattia I was a bit relieved it wasn't an intruder so I just started walking to go upstairs guess Mattia didn't know I was there cause when I started moving he jumped and turned to me-
M: shit you scared me
K: sorry
M: what the hell happened to your face
K: you
M: what?
K: do you not remember
M: remember what baby
K: you hit me
M: no I didn't
K: you yelled at me because chase fucked me and said he liked me then you pushed me to the floor and hit me then left and we broke up how do you not remember
M: omg god kai are you ok
-he started walking near me but I backed up because I was scared he was gonna hit me again he saw me doing that and sighed and walked upstairs-
M: good night
-after a few more minutes I walked upstairs and into my room and Mattia was laying on the bed on his phone I nervously walked over and sat my water on the nightstand and laid down on the edge of the bed I was getting comfortable when I felt him touch me and I flinched and put my hands over my face but he just pulled me close to him and cuddled me I was so confused on why he was being so bipolar I just cuddled into his side and went to sleep-
Mattia's POV
-after kai fell asleep I couldn't sleep thinking I hit him he had a huge bruise on his face and I was so high I didn't even know I fucked up big time he and I were so great together and now I ruined it, I started crying because I fucked up my only good relationship I felt kai start moving so I wiped my tears and just tried to go to sleep I finally did, I woke up next morning and kai was asleep on top of me so I just grabbed my phone from the side of me and laid there on my phone I didn't move so he could sleep I wanted to get back together him so bad but I didn't know if the boys knew cause if they did I'm gonna be dead an hour later kai woke up and looked so cute he looked up at me from my chest-
M: good morning baby- I mean kai
K: good morning tia
M: um I'll just go
K: no no please stay I'm comfy
M: ok I won't
-I kissed his head and I saw him get red and then he buried his head in my chest-
M: I'm sorry
K: uh I'm gonna go talk to Ro
-he walked out and I turned and screamed in my pillow because I was so mad I pushed him away-
Kairi's POV
-I ran out of the room embarrassed and into Robby's and Ro's room Robby was awake but Ro wasn't I jumped on him and was shaking him he finally woke up-
Ro: omgggg get off of me
K: Robby can we talk in private
R: sure
-he walked out and I sat next to Ro-
Ro: so what do you want
K: I want to get back at Mattia for hurting me and us breaking up so can we fake date
Ro: I'm straight tho
K: I know but your the only one I can do it with
Ro: what about Robby
K: can't I liked him a few years ago so that's weird but please I'll pay you 200 dollars
Ro: money I'm in but only for a week
K: deal
Ro: ok and no kissing cause your not my type sweetie
K: ok
Ro: well go away imma go back to sleep boo
K: k
-I walked downstairs and sat on the couch I wasnt hungry so I moved over to Samy and cuddled into his side and he wrapped his blanket over me and him then Mattia came down and looked and me and Samy and rolled his eyes then went to the basement where we had a arcade kinda thing and our PlayStation-
S: what a bitch
K: who
S: Mattia he fucking hits you and doesn't get his ass beat
K: yea and the worst part is he was so high when he came home last night he didn't remember doing it
S: I fucking hate him
K: Samy calm down ok
S: whatever
-about 30 minutes later Ro came down so I moved over to him and sat in his lap and we were fake flirting and Mattia saw and gave Ro a death stare and then stormed up to our room-
Leha: someone is on their period
H: I know right
-then Alvaro and ale came from out back-
A: Alvaro no it's not!
Al: fuck you ale it is
A: whatever
R: wait so ale are you gay
A: no
R: then what are you?
Al: it's complicated but let's just say he's bi
H: nice so that's 3 gays and 3 bi's and 4 straights we are a really diverse house and no one here is even white really awesome guys and cutie lehani
Al: bruh hector my man she is too good for you
Leha: no he's not
Mar: god I could throw up
K: imma go check on Mattia be back baby
-after I said that everyone looked at me I got up and started heading to the stairs-
Ro: ok
-everyone gasped and then I laughed and walked to my room I walked in and Mattia was crying I felt bad but mans has to learn I closed the door and walked over to the bed and sat next to him-
K: are you ok
-what a stupid ass question obviously not-
M: no
K: well what's wrong
M: nothing just leave me alone
K: no tell me
M: no leave me alone
K: NO tell me
-I probably shouldn't have raised my voice because as I did he grabbed my neck and pushed against the wall behind our bed it hurt but lowkey turned me on then he tightened his grip and it hurt really bad so I was hitting his arm but he wouldn't let go I felt my body start going numb from loss of air so I kicked him in his dick I maybe have just lost me kids but I was about to die then he let go and was holding his dick I finally could breathe so ran out of the room and downstairs onto the couch and started crying all the boys were outside swimming so I could cry then I heard someone come down the stairs I assumed it was Mattia but I didn't lift my head to check-
K: please don't hurt me again
Mar: what?
K: mar?
Mar: yea, who the hurt you
K: no one
-I looked up-
Mar: why is your neck bright red and have a handprint
K: oh that I did that
Mar: no you didn't it was Mattia wasn't it
K: yea
Mar: Kai he's abusing you, you can't keep trying to help him
K: but I can't I love him
Mar: I know kai I know those feelings don't go away for awhile but you have a boyfriend
K: huh
Mar: your dating Ro
K: no I'm- oh yea yea
Mar: your not actually dating him are you
K: no I paid him 200 dollars to fake date for a week to get Mattia jealous but he doesn't even love me anymore and it's my fault
Mar: no it's not riri you could't help that chase raped you again and you tried to stop him but it was useless it's not you fault ok baby it's not he just using drugs right now for god knows why but I'm sure he will be fine but baby you gotta stay away because he isn't him right now he's not sober you can sleep with me in the guest room so your not alone and your still away from him ok, I'll talk to him because and him are close so he might listen to me
K: ok tank you mar I love you
M: what the fuck kai you want the whole damn crew first Samy, then Ro, and now mar what's your fucking problem I thought you loved me
K: I do I just love him as a friend please calm down your scaring me I don't know what's wrong with you right now but your obviously drugging your self for some reason
M: yea my fucking grandma died but you wouldnt know because you were out fucking chase to even ask me
-mar pushed me behind him-
Mar: Mattia calm down chase raped him
M: what
Mar: chase raped kai again kai didn't want it to happen he wanted it to stop he told me he was pushing my chase away and saying he was dating you but he didnt listen and just forced kai to let him, kai wants to be with you ok so stop taking whatever you are and just calm down
M: I'm gonna go to sleep
-he walked upstairs and I hugged mar and started crying then I walked upstairs and into my bed with Mattia I was terrified but I did it and I kissed him and then got onto of him and decided to take a nap so I did-

A/n ummm idk how I feel about this and I'll update a lot today since I didn't yesterday cause I was busy

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