Late nights

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Hector's POV
after kai fell asleep it was just me and Mattia and it was pretty awkward cause I didn't like him and he was scared of me but I knew he cared to much about kai to go to sleep and so did I so I got up and sat next to him and he looked at me and I thought I should get to know him-
H: so I'm sorry for kinda scaring you it's just that kai is like my little brother and I don't want to see him get hurt I really care and love him
M:oh uh ok I get it I'm sorry
H: you don't have to be you did nothing wrong oh and sorry for hacking his phone
M: oh it's fine but friends?
H: yea..... so as friends do you like kai
M: oh um I do
H: ok, you two fucked
M: ...maybe a few times
H: damn ok I see you
M: heh just don't kill me
H: I won't...... for now
M: uh thanks
- I decided to see if he was really loyal to kai so I'm going to flirt with him-
H: your kinda cute you know
M: thanks
-I grabbed his thigh and started moving my hand up and he moved it but I was persistent and I finally placed it on his dick and he looked at me and kept trying to move it the I picked him up by his collar  and brought him into his bathroom and closed and locked  the door and I cornered him and was pressing my body against him and he was resisting then I tried to kiss him and he pushed me away-
M: ok you need to stop ok
H: whyyy
M: because
H: because why?
M: because I'm in love with Kai ok and I can't do this to him ok I have hurt him too much and he deserves better and if I do this I'm a horrible boyfriend to him even if we aren't dating ok I'm sorry and I thought you said you weren't gay or bi
H: yea I'm not I was just making sure you were good for kai and Mattia you are your a great guy and I know you love kai and you should give yourself more credit he loves you and your a great person for him to have in his life and invite me to the wedding
M:hah I like you too hector you pretty chill, wanna play fifa
H: you already Dino bitch
M: stop calling me that or I'll choke you again
H: I won't let you
M: whatever let's go
H: bet be ready to lose
M:I never lose
-we played fifa for a while then I went out for Mc Donald's and we just talked and he was actually really nice and funny no wonder kai likes him so much he's a great guy and I was kinda tired so I asked him if I could go to sleep really quick and he said sure the I just went to sleep on his couch and before I fell all the way asleep I heard him-
M: Kai please be ok I love and I can't lose you you my everything and with out you I'm not the nice and goofy person I usually am and guess what me and hector are friends now and I don't nearly shit my pants when I see him and I really like him he's funny and chill no wonder you and him are friends I still don't know how you guys met but god kai I hope we are forever
- what he was saying made my heart melt it was so nice and I knew Mattia was the one for kai but I just went to sleep-
Mattia's POV
I was cuddling kai when he started moving and I sat up thinking he would need something but he went back to sleep then I tried to relax but I couldn't then hector woke up and said that I could go to sleep but I said I was fine then we talked for a few hours then the sun came up and Kai woke up soon after-
H: morning kai
K: hey
M: good morning kai baby how're you feeling
K: it just stings but other then that fine
M: ok well do you think your ok to go to school or no?
K: yea I'll be fine
H: ok good but bye kai I have to go to my job bye Mattia and next time imma win
M: ha never byeee
K: wait since when are you too friends
M: since I stayed up all night and we talked and he told me he doesn't hate me anymore
K: oh wait you stayed up all night
M: uh yea
K: why you know we have school today
M: because if you needed anything and we were both asleep idk you could of got hurt
K: awww I didn't know you cared
M: yes you did now let's get ready
K: ok
-I just wore joggers and a shirt and Kai wore sweats and I gave him my favorite champion hoodie and we left to grab Chick-fil-A then go to school we got there and the boys weren't there so we just ate in the car and I kept asking if he was sure he was ok to go to school and he said yes every time so we finally saw the boys besides ale because we obviously kicked him out of the group and we walked up to them alvaros eyes were super red and puffy he had obviously been crying all night then I remembered what ale said and I wondered if it was true because kai was mine and mine only-
K: hey guys
Al: the hell you doing here you know you got stabbed
Mar: right son you should get some rest
K: ugh daddy I did
M: excuse me kai
S: what he said
K: I meant daddy as in my father you pedos
M: I was bout to say
R: anyways Alvaro you good cause it looks like you were crying all night
Al: I was
R: why
Al: because what ale said
R: is it true
Al: some of it
R: oh well you always have us ok you can tell us we won't judge you
Ro: yea we love you
Al: oh thanks guys well I guess I'll tell you I'm bi but I don't like kai I like ale and I told him I liked a boy in our group one day then he was talking about izzy's bitch ass so I knew he wouldn't like me so I just said kai and I guess what he said is true that I'm ugly and no one will ever like me I'm disgusting
Ro: Alvaro stop he's just mad ok and your not ugly you know how much people would be lucky to have you don't let him get to you because your not disgusting
K: yea Alvaro I think your cute and if Mattia's Dino self wasn't here I would totally date you you deserve the world and I'm sure you'll get it ok
M: I feel offended but Alvaro kai's right ok
-I hugged him and he hugged me back then all the boys joined and we stayed like that for a few seconds then we all let go said our goodbyes and went to our classes me and Kai went to ours and we walked in and sat at the back the I remembered ale had this class with us like shit but he walked in and sat in the front so it was fine, the teacher just put on a movie and turned the lights off it was boring but we watched it then I knew today was the day I was going to ask kai out so while he was using the bathroom I wrote him a note to meet me at this trail at sunset and I signed it from anonymous and I left it on his desk, he saw and got excited and kept asking me who and I just said I didn't know the rest of the day was boring then I took kai to his house so he could get ready and went to mine so I could get ready he asked if I could take him to the trail but I obviously couldn't so Robby said he could so I finished getting ready and drove there-

A/n omgggg thansk sooo much for 500+ reads love you all <B

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