Going back home

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     Kairi's POV
-today Mattia is coming home and then tomorrow Samy is I'm so ready to go home I woke up ten minutes ago and I have just been playing with Mattia's hair also ale and Alvaro didn't stay last night or the night before nor did any one else but mar who was with Samy who is doing much better and sure recover quick I just feel so bad like he really doesn't have any family at all it's horrible I decided to climb in Mattia and get him to wake up because I'm bored after I straddled him I stared pecking all over his face and I thought he was asleep so i kept doing it then I heard him giggle and my heart fluttered I pulled back and smiled at him as he smiled at me and then pulled me into a hug-
M: Kai I'm so ready to go home
K: I know me too
M: do you thing things have changed
K: what do you mean by that
M: I mean like between the boys and us because we were gone for so long like what if they moved out or they invited more people to the house or kicked us out
K: I'm sure that didn't happen they wouldn't do that and not tell us
M: yea but I'm still scared
K: I am too but it's going to be fine just try not to overthink
M: ok bubs
K: new name
M: yea I heard it in a movie
K: it's cute
M: ikr
-just as I was about to kiss him the nurse walked in she was taller then me but not by much she have dark brown hair and it was long she was also very tan and pretty she looked 20 or so I got off the bed and sat in a chair and Mattia drowned at me but I just shrugged and looked at her waiting for her to say something she was just looking at a chart then she finally walked next to his bed-
Nurse: alright cutie you can leave any time with him but I'm just gonna look at you to make sure your properly bandaged
M: ok
-she lifted up his shirt and looked at him now not so noticeable abs and she was brushing her hands up and down his chests I was just staring at her then she moved her hands to his v-line and then his pants hem and he moved back clearly uncomfortabletheb she pulled them up and that was it for me-
K: excuse me you
Nurse: what
K: nothing's wrong with him down there and you know that so you don't need to look so don't he's clearly uncomfortable
Nurse: I can do what I want and I'm sure he likes it he probably wants to put it in me now
K: he doesn't clearly because he doesn't have a boner but I'll gladly give him one so you can open your eyes and see that he's GAY
Nurse: your the Asian bitch so you open your eyes and go eat a dog but whatever just go I'm gonna check on Someone named Samy
K: so am i I mean he is my best also Asian friend ok baby be back
M: uh uh ok
Nurse: ew your dating him he's so gross ugh
-she rolled her eyes and I followed her to Samy's room and I gave him a tight hug when I walked in and kissed his forehead and he giggled Mae was sleeping in the chair next to Samy's bed so I sat on the side of him and watched as she tried to flirt with Samy and he looked at me to help so I woke mar up and he saw her trying to kiss him and he cussed her out I laughed and walked out and she was behind me and pulled my hair and I fell I got up and fixed my hair and walked to Mattia's room he was getting up I helped him and then we said bye to mar and Samy and we finally went home once I pulled up I got out of my side of the car and helped Mattia out of his then we walked to the door and I unlocked it with the spare key and when we walked in all the boys and lehani jumped out and yelled "welcome home" and I smiled they all cane and hugged us then we sat in the living room and we all ate and had fun then me and Mattia went to our room and went to bed at like 12:00 am after playing games with everyone and goofing off it was a nice way to spend the first day back I cuddled into Mattia and we fell asleep in our comfy bed for the first time in weeks and I fell asleep with a smile-

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