A Living Room Waltz

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Rating: K+ 

Based off the prompt: slow dancing in the living room

Summary: Lillian longs for a high school experience she never got to have. She hopes Mitsuki will help her achieve that.

Ships: Lillian/Mitsuki

Timeline: Set 5+ years after Chapter 47 of Liberated


"Can you explain to me why most of the lights are off?" Mitsuki asked as she shut the apartment's heavy door behind her. She gently set her bags near the doorway, watching a stream of lights gently circle around the living room. Lillian was seated on the couch, her legs drawn toward her, as she stared deeply at a ball on the floor that was shimmering circles of colorful light.

"Diana was telling me all about what high school was like," Lillian said.

"And this is relevant because..."

"Because I told her I'd never been to a high school dance!" Lillian exclaimed. "She gave me this old disco ball sitting in her closet as a gift so I could have a feel for myself, I guess. She told me the lights are usually more obnoxious, that they pretty much invade the gym and blind anyone who looks at them, but these lights seem kind of peaceful."

"You don't even have music on though," Mitsuki stated as she pulled her hairtie out. Her silky black hair cascaded down her shoulders. It had grown out in the past few years. "You do realize that music goes with dancing, right?"

"I was waiting for you," Lillian answered.

"Oh..." Mitsuki's voice drifted off, and her heart gave a small leap. Lillian was usually always adorable in Mitsuki's mind, but her cuteness factor was off the charts today.

Mitsuki cleared her throat and stepped into the middle of the living room, taking a seat on the couch next to Lillian.

"Well, what music do you want to dance to, then? Something obnoxiously pop-y, I suppose?" Mitsuki guessed.

Lillian picked up her phone, the light illuminating in the darkness. Mitsuki waited patiently as her girlfriend scrolled through a list of songs. Then, as Lillian's finger tapped against the glass surface, the sound of a quiet piano began to play.

"Wait, Lillian, this is a slow song," Mitsuki realized.

"Come on," Lillian encouraged her, holding out her hand for the other to grab on.

Mitsuki gulped and grasped onto her hand. If there was one thing she was thankful for in all the chaos that had ensued in her childhood, it was that she never had to attend a high school dance, let alone slow dance with anyone.

"I-I don't know, Lillian. I've never slow danced and—"

"It's not even real dancing," Lillian said as her hands found themselves pressing against Mitsuki's waist. Mitsuki slowly lifted her arms, wringing her own hands around Lillian's neck. Mitsuki was forced to look upward into the other girl's green eyes and let out a sound of surprise. Lillian was dressed in sweatpants and an old oversized shirt. Her hair was sticking up in places from what Mitsuki could only assume was a long nap. And she had not a touch of make-up on her face. Yet, to Mitsuki, she looked astonishingly beautiful.

"Are we thirteen with parent chaperones? You can move in closer, you know," Lillian said, pulling Mitsuki closer to her so that their chests were almost touching.

"S-So what do we do from there?" Mitsuki asked, quiet vocals beginning to sound over the calm music.

"We just sway, like this," Lillian said, moving her body slowly in rhythm with the music. Mitsuki followed her lead, moving her body slightly but keeping her eyes focused on Lillian. Every once in a while, the disco light would hit Lillian's eyes ever so slightly, illuminating their beautiful green hue.

It was comfortable, swaying back and forth like this, their gazes locked.

"And if we're really trying to get rebellious, you can lean your body into mine and rest your head on my shoulder," Lillian whispered.

"I'm kind of short though," Mitsuki said quietly, though Lillian's body was coming closer, and Mitsuki could feel her face pressing into Lillian. The other girl had tilted downward some, so that Mitsuki could feel Lillian's hair brushing against her face. Lillian's arms had conjoined behind Mitsuki's back so that she was hugging her tightly. Mitsuki breathed in the scent of Lillian's shirt and let herself sigh in content. She was warm.

They were quiet as the song continued, their bodies barely moving with the tune of music as they held each other close. Just as the song was about to end, Mitsuki felt Lillian move one arm away so that she could place her hand against Mitsuki's cheek.

Mitsuki broke apart from Lillian slightly and glanced up. Lillian gave her the slightest smile before her lips gravitated toward Mitsuki's own. Mitsuki shut her eyes, feeling Lillian's soft lips on hers. It was a gentle kiss that barely lasted a few seconds, but when Mitsuki broke apart from Lillian, Lillian's eyes were shining with affection. The last few notes of the piano echoed across the room, and the song made its end.

"Do you feel like you can slow dance now?" Lillian asked. The teasing in her tone had returned.

"Can we keep dancing?" was Mitsuki's response.

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