The Story of Irene IV. Traitor

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Rating: T (for swearing and implied sex scenes)

Summary: When Miguel suggests he and Irene return to the Preservers for the sake of their son, Irene has a tough decision to make. And it isn't made easier by the arrival of a human-born to their cabin.

Ships: Irene/Miguel, Irene/Lillian

Timeline: This story occurs shortly prior to and during the events of Enlightenment. 


"Maybe...maybe it's time go home," Miguel announced as he held his infant son in his arms. Irene stared at him in disbelief, confused for a few moments. What had he just said?

"I don't...what?" Irene asked, utterly confused. Perhaps it was the exhaustion from her labor, but it sounded like Miguel had proposed returning to the Preservers, the very beings they had run from.

Miguel gently dropped Elijah back in Irene's arms. She held her son close to her and stared up at Miguel in disbelief. She had heard him right, hadn't she? Judging by the way he was acting more meek, she could almost tell he had just uttered something that could possibly upset her.

"Go home? Why?" Irene muttered as she stared down at her newborn son.

"I've been thinking about this for a while, since you got pregnant, actually," Miguel admitted. He stood and stared down at her. "I think we should go back to the Preservers."

"What?! Why?" Irene exclaimed. "We escaped from there. This is our home now."

"Oh, this has never been home, and you know it," Miguel bickered. It was true that Irene had never felt a true sense of belonging anywhere. But she had enjoyed her days here. She felt she had made connections that she hadn't made at home. Why, then, would she just march on back to the headquarters, the place that had felt the least bit like home?

"I don't understand," Irene muttered quietly. "You want to go back there?"

"Think about it," Miguel said, beginning to pace around their bedroom. "We have a son now, Irene. Do you really think he's safe here?"

"I..." Irene opened her mouth then shut it. Cherie had done her best to keep them safe throughout the years, but it was true that a Preserver would lurk too close by sometimes. There were sometimes disappearances in the area. There had been no murders, but she knew the Preservers had been sending out more patrols to fetch human-borns to kill.

"Is he safe here?" Miguel asked again.

"Cherie does her best—"

"I know Cherie does her best, but do you think he'd be more safe here or back the headquarters where there is enhanced security and no chance of someone randomly coming into the house with a gun?" Miguel snapped.

She knew Miguel was right. She knew Elijah would be safer there, but why...why would she give this all up and retreat back just for her son's own safety? She didn't want him growing up like she did. She had been excited he would grow up here, far away from the clutches of the Preservers.

"Do you really think we'd be welcomed back with open arms?" Irene wondered. "Would our parents be happy to see us? Would they approve of this relationship? You know we'd probably be interrogated and thrown in jail for a brief period of time. What would happen to him?" she asked, looking down at her sleeping son.

"Don't you still feel some loyalty deep down?" Miguel asked.

"What do you mean?" Irene wondered, beginning to tremble now. She had never had a full allegiance to the Preservers. She never completely agreed with them. She thought Miguel was the same.

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