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Rating: T

Summary: Mitsuki and Lillian decide it's time for them to expand their family through adoption.

Ships: Lillian/Mitsuki, Marc/Cassie, Conny/Carly

Timeline: Set 1-2 years after the epilogue of Liberated


"Ta-da!" Mitsuki exclaimed as she patted down her and Lillian's freshly-made bed in their new home. Putting the sheets on the bed had been the last task of moving into the new cabin. Their old apartment of many years had been sold, and while it held valuable memories, Mitsuki was excited to move back into a more natural environment that had the more reminiscent quality of home.

The decision to move had only come with the return of the Guardians. With the spiritkeepers being reawakened once more, everyone's seemingly normal lives were getting back on track. Mitsuki had quit her day-job to become a courage trainer at a large training facility, though Lillian had found a barista job in the town nearby, not wanting to lose her valuable coffee-making skills. Things were finally beginning to fall into place, Mitsuki thought.

Lillian let out a large sigh of relief now that all the unpacking was done and collapsed onto their bed. Mitsuki laid down beside her and smiled up at the ceiling as Lillian rested quietly beside her.

"This is much more peaceful than the apartment," Lillian murmured as she shoved her head in Mitsuki's side.

"A bit," Mitsuki said. She turned her head out the window, noticing the pine trees directly in her line of view. She had missed the woods since they had moved into a more urban setting, but she had always known she would return one day.

"Mitsuki," Lillian murmured.

Mitsuki turned slightly, staring at her wife. "Yes, what is it?"

"Let's have a baby," Lillian said nonchalantly, like she was merely suggesting they go out for icecream.

"What?!" Mitsuki exclaimed, sitting up quickly. She nearly banged her head on the headboard as she did so and stared at Lillian in concern. They had briefly spoken about having kids before, but it was never the right time, or it was something far off in the future. But now they were married, had a new house, and weren't getting any younger.

"Did visiting Cassie and the new baby get you in this mood?" Mitsuki asked. "You always have baby fever when Cassie pops out another kid."

Cassie had given birth to Irene in January. The name still bothered Mitsuki even though Lillian thought it was a good homage to her ex-girlfriend and former friend. Now that spring was approaching, Irene was about three months old, and Lillian still enjoyed driving out to suburbia to visit the family, even if Cassie and Marc were already crafting their own moving plans now that Elijah had begun training.

"You know I like babies," Lillian murmured. "I thought...I thought maybe you wanted kids too."

"The dogs aren't enough?" Mitsuki asked.

All three of the dogs were out running in the yard as they spoke. The dogs themselves certainly worked Mitsuki to the bone on top of her job. Would a child really help with that?

"Come on. You know I've tried to bring this up before, but you always change subjects," Lillian said, sitting up slowly. "I've always wanted kids, since I was younger. I've always seen myself as being a mother one day. It's the perfect time right now. We were married a few months ago, we have stable jobs, a new house..."

"Okay, hypothetically, we have a kid. How though? Adoption? Sperm donor? I don't know about you, but I've never really wanted to go through nine months of pregnancy just to deliver some random dude's baby," Mitsuki complained.

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