Chapter 3

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Percy's Pov

Okay after living in floating island in yrs I will now tell you on who am I; First is I was secretly smart from the very beginning smarter than Athena's children. Second I secretly have a bank account that I never opened it in years and now is the time to open my small fortune inside. Third Ouranos blessed me some of his powers.  Lastly I have almost all of the lost the lost treasure of Olympus; like the Three Glitters of the Goddess one is a set of bracelets, second is a Bow and Arrow and the last one is snow-white Gothic Lolita dress. I have also Two Golden Apples one is coming from Atalanta which is the power of desire for protection and the second is coming from Paris that holds my ought to think carefully. There is also a long lost weapons as well like the staff called Aesculapius it was own by the deceased god of medicine Asclepius  which is I used to resurrect Castor the son of Dionysus.

So now here I am fifteen yrs later. Two degrees. A PhD. And I have my pet dog Ms O'leary with me. As time goes by I started to feel bored and I decided to go wandered in the earth it's been a long time that I never visited the earth in yrs. Of course with the permission with my father Ouranos I was allowed to go out plus he always watches me all the time in the sky. And I wear the same outfit when I first meet grandpa.

 And I wear the same outfit when I first meet grandpa

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As I landed completely in the ground I started to feel like I'm me again I immediately go to apartment were my mom and Paul lives and I left gift box on the door I knock and immediately somewhere and I saw mom's face. When I saw her again I feel so sad that she never seen me in 15 yrs and the that I never showed up to her all these yrs. Then I immediately leave the place.

As I enjoyed wandering I decided to have fun while I still can

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As I enjoyed wandering I decided to have fun while I still can. I stood up at the very, very top of the Empire State Building, the antenna. I overlooked The New York City landscape and smile at myself on how much things have changed in just few yrs. It makes me wonder how was Camp been all these times now. As I flew in the skies  I landed on a dark alley where hopefully no one mistaken me as my father Ouranos.

Few Minutes Later:

I did say those but being surrounded by the Hunters of Artemis even Artemis herself was now also here and I don't know what to do anymore. Okay calm down just act that nothing has happening or maybe just act like father Ouranos do. Then Artemis speak up.

"Stop" She said

I stopped in my tracks and turned and I saw beside her was Thalia who seems depresses. I saw a several arrows were several girl in silver-hooded outfits. And when I turned around they were shocked on me.

"A sea spawn" One of the hunters said

"I can't believe there is also another son Sea God." Reyna said

"Lady Artemis is this the man you were talking about?" Thalia said

"It's him." She said as she move closer to me. "Do not move or it will be your last." 'Oh my Hades sake why is he so attracted.' She said in her mind.

"Who are you Mr?" She asked

"It's pleasure to see you again m'lady Artemis." I said

"I don't think we meet before?" Artemis said

"Not in this form also my mother know as Zoe Nightshade." I said

"That's impossible she swore to stay maiden to the hunt." Thalia said

"Oh she still and she never did I was once her sword, then I was taken away Heracles and then the great hero who saved the Olympus twice."I said

"Wait are you?" Artemis said

"I am once a celestial bronze sword my name is Riptide." I said

"Riptide?" Artemis said "How did you became like this and I have to admit you're so handsome how did this happened?" Artemis said

"I am also surprised as well plus I have also a hard time to interact with people." I said

"Riptide do know where Percy is?" Thalia said and I made turn to her

"Thalia I mean no disrespect by why do you want to know where he is?" I asked

"Well because the-" thalia was cut through

"Because the camp is not what it used to be." Reyna said "You see 10 yrs ago we only realized that Kevin his half-brother made those false rumors about Percy he also admit that he was jealous about Percy." Reyna continued

"And what's even more worse the demigod in Camp Olympus is getting wilder no one can calm them down." Thalia said

"Uhm Camp Olympus?" I ask

"Years after Percy leave the council decided to unite both camp the Romans can go in camp half-blood and in the camp-half blood can go in the camp roman. But Riptide do you know where he is?" Artemis asked

"I'm a afraid were on the same boat, I'm also looking for my master all these yrs I still haven't found him yet." I said as I made a sad expression

"I see but anyway Riptide would you like to go back in the camp?" Artemis said

"If it's about looking for my master I'm in." I said 

As we go all the way in the camp everything really was changed it is not the camp that is used to be it's like a gangster place and some are not change lord Dionysus still as ever and Clarrise is aggressive as ever. Then I saw Chiron. and I notice as well that everyone at the camp staring at me.

"Hello Chiron?"Artemis said

"Greeting M'lady Artemis who's this a man?" Chiron said and as I turn my head and he was surprised

"Another son of Poseidon!!" Chiron yelled and everyone in the camp looked at me in shocked

"Pfft Chiron you it all wrong this guy here is not a son of Poseidon." Thalia said

"She's telling the truth." I said

"Is that so sorry about that it's just that you have a -" Chiron said and cut through his words

"Sea-green Eyes I understand every Poseidon's kids have it so I understand that." I said

"You seems know everything who are you."Chiron asked

"Chiron this is Riptide Percy's sword." Artemis said

"What Riptide but how?" Chiron said

"I know I'm also surprised as well ever since my owner left and right now I'm still looking for him." I said

"I see welcome back Riptide." Chiron said and gave me a handshake

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