Chapter 13

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Mitchell Pov.

It's been 4 weeks already when Riptide came in the camp and I started to grow a bond with him and I knew what he's hiding in the first place and I decided not tell everyone including him. I'm guessing he has a good reason on why he did it. I was on my way and look for him and he seems not around in the camp and asked Chiron.

"Chiron do you know where Riptide is?" I asked

"He said he was going somewhere that is very important." Chiron response

"Really when I was about to go on to find the 'Nameless Isle' were the 3rd glitter is located ." I said

"Don't worry he said he will be back for an hour." Chiron said and a sudden flash came in the camp and it was the God of Medicine Asclepius.

Percy Pov.

As I finally arrived in father Ouranos home noticed everything was so bright and shiny does he clean this up though it's been weeks that I never came back from his home. Then I saw in the couch and run towards me and gave me a big hug.

"Welcome back son did you miss so much." Papa Ouranos said as he hugged me tightly.

"Papa I only left for 4 weeks only and you miss me that much." I said the we go in the living room

"So how was your day down there?" Papa Ouranos asked

"Well everything seems to be okay and I've miss so much everything." I response

"Is that all?" Papa Ouranos said as he tease me

"Really what makes you think that there is more." I said

"Have you forgot that the sky will always watches the earth, I can see everything down there." Papa Ouranos said

"Well it seems I found a new love interest." I said and he was surprise and gasp in amusement.

"My my you've finally meet someone that can mend your heart." Papa Ouranos said and it made me wondered how did he know that.

"If you're wondering how? Of course I'm always watching you on the time you grown up, the time I became your first papa, the time I teach you how to control your power and including how you always erasing your memories that is painful for you to handle. I think it's about time that someone should mend your broken heart." Papa Ouranos said

"But I don't think I could do it papa I don't think I can." I said

"Yes you can, also I told you my story before right I was ruthless and never act fatherly to my children because of the prophecy, but deep inside I want to be saved and that's the time when I meet you. You save me Percy thanks to you I was given a chance to become a true father that becomes a pillar of their home and truth to be told I really do hope you'll meet a person who could save you Percy." Papa Ouranos said and it made me smile as tears falling down in my eye

"Thank you Papa that most comforting." I said and he gave me a hug.

In Tartarus Pov.

Meanwhile somewhere in Tartarus in the Nyx mansion.  Some fury gave a report to her.

"M'lady Nyx I have something to report to you." the fury saids

"My ears are open tell me  daughter what is the news up there." Nyx said

"M'lady there is a new demigod appeared in the camp and he seems more powerful." The fury said

"What was he look like?" Nyx asked

"He was tall, black hair, pale skin and has green eyes. He was also very attractive that men and women can easily be charmed." The fury said and Nyx suddenly surprised about this and she looks at the fury with a shocked expression.

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