Chapter 7

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Percy Pov.

When I told Chiron who I am and the purpose on why I came back to the camp. When he told me about what happen to Tyson I saw he was now different he became cold, very serious on his job and he never talks to anyone.

"Hey Riptide if I were you I'm not going to approach him." A familiar voice said and when I turn around I saw a twin demigod.

"Are you Castor and Pollux?" I said

"Yes we are and it's nice to see you as well Riptide I'm Pollux and this is my brother Castor." Pollux said

"It's pleasure to meet you two as well." I said

"As my brother says don't try approach him so easily." Castor said "Perhaps you don't know-" He tried to continue and I cut in.

"I lnow I heard it from Chiron on what Kevin did to him and how everything has changed." I said

"I see... As we say he will going to smite you if you do that." Castor said

"You see all of as here are now afraid of him we only hope that Percy will be found." Pollux said

"It seems you guys are still looking for him, have you tried to consult the oracle." I said

"We did but. We have no idea what the oracle says." Pollux said

"What was it says?"

"It says:

As the Mask Crumbles He will be now Different

He who holds the same Face Of one of the Oldest Deity

The Pain and Suffer will be Reveal

 The Child of Love Will Mend his broken Heart 

And the one who will wear The Three Glitters of the Goddess

That's what the oracle says." Castor said

"Do you have any idea with that." Pollux said 

"So far the 3rd and 4th line only." I said

"That's what we thought about it ." Pollux continued

"Still we really wanted to see him so that we can say our thanks. You see he resurrected me 15 yrs ago and make me reunite with my brother and our father is eager to find him so that he can say his thanks too." Castor said

"Looks like lord Dionysus changed a little bit." I said as the three of us started to laugh then right after the moment Lady flash in front from us.

"Lady Artemis what brings you here today." Chiron said

"Oh I'm not here for some scene and Riptide." She said as she looked at me then I saw she express a sad look. "We need to talk it's about Poseidon." She continued as we go toward in the Dinning Pavilion.

As we are now in the pavilion we found a sits to talk and I notice some demigod feels intense also Chiron is here as well.

"So m'lady Artemis what's this about Poseidon?" I asked her

"You see during in the council we also found out on how you gain a human form but you may feel bad on it." She said

"Really how?" I said in confusion

" You see.."


"So you meant to say that I'm now officially a son of Poseidon." I said

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