Chapter 20

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Percy Pov.

After reunion between Rhea and Ouranos who finally got a chance to be family again and now live in the Olympus again with his grandchildren and now the sky is now their ally. The camp is now more even better and more stronger that the hero has finally returns home and celebrates the new victory Aphrodite agrees for me be his son and I promise to her that I will never made him.

Lord Asclepius gave his father a second chance maybe he was also touched on the reunion between Rhea and Ouranos. I guess hating forever his father will never going to result a good ending and it brought them back together if I remember.


As I walking all the way to the big house I saw lord Asclepius was making a medicine and then I saw lord Apollo disguise himself as a sheep.

"You know you can come out now." Asclepius said and Apollo return backs to his true form

"Asclepius please just give me chance to be a father again. You don't know how terrible it was to loss you." Apollo said

"You didn't know but it's what you wanted. Tell me father have you ever regretted some of your decision like on the day I died that was also the day that you kill auntie's lover which also my best friend Orion." Asclepius said and I saw Apollo was in tears know he also kill his son's best friend

"I don't know what will be your answer is but I want you to know 'I hate you'. I hate you when the time you left me alone with mom only, I hate you when feel I was only a tool for your success, I hate you when the time you just sit there and do nothing and I hate you for not calling me Asclepius long time ago." Asclepius said as he face his face with tears falling down in his eyes.

"Well I give you a chance but one condition. I want to see my children again in my million years living alone, I never got a chance to see them on how they are these days." Asclepius said and Apollo make an Iris message to his grandchildren from Asclepius.

"Well it seems turn out to be good ending." Percy said as walk away so that he willnot disturb them.

Flashback ends:

I still remember the time when father came to the Olympus with his real face and now he currently use it. If I remember correctly when I was going to the Atlantis I heard a strong scream coming from lady Amphitrite non stops.

I evenly asked the guards whats going on and they say 'Love Quarrel' and it took them 5 hours to stop and as I go in the room I saw father was in knees with his original look. Then lady Amphitrite says.

"Poseidon I will forgave you in one condition tomorrow in Olympus is going to celebrate the return of Percy Jackson and I want to see you in your original look." Amphitrite said


As we are in Olympus to celebrate I saw father's chair is still empty of course all of us are waiting then we heard a voice said.

"I'm here now." My father Poseidon said with his original face it was actually the face I know.

" My father Poseidon said with his original face it was actually the face I know

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and beside him was lady Amphitrite cling on his arm.

"Brother is that you." Hestia asked

"Yes sister it's me." Poseidon response

"What happen brother." Hades asked

"Love Quarrel." I response and Poseidon was surprise

"Percy how do you know." Poseidon asked

"I was there planning to visit you and going to say that I already forgive you, and man your love quarrel took 5 hours stop and I have to admit I shaking in fear on lady Amphitrite's screams and anger." I response and made everyone in Olympus surprise some laughs a bit and I saw some jealous rage aura coming from the Olympian goddesses.

"This is why I don't want to use my true form." Poseidon said

"Well it seems you still proven you loyal to me and I guess I can forgive you now." Amphitrite said

"Can I." Poseidon said

"No not yet." Amphitrite said

Flashback ends:

That happens I think everyone in the camp got a happy ending Kevin is now able make it up for me and Tyson, Annabeth I think I'll forgive and she seems found a true love to the person that is meant for her and as for everyone I manage to gave them a second chance like Rhea and Ouranos they were given a chance to be a family. As for me I found true love happily with him and very cute too.


"Indeed he is." Ouranos said

"Seriously you guys who are you talking too." Mitchel said as everyone looking at Percy and Ouranos on the phone.

"SEE YOU IN THE NEXT LAST CHAPTER."Percy and Ouranos said

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