Chapter 8

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Olympians Pov.

As the camp was now in a perfect shape. The campers are now more carefully on not to test Riptide's(Percy's) patience anymore and Kevin was now in deep trauma and develop a fear from the Hunters of Artemis and swords.

Meanwhile somewhere somewhere in Olympus are now having more trouble on what to do they still looking for Percy Jackson and now there having a problem on Riptide(Percy) now wielding the 3 long lost treasure of Olympus.

"So now what are we gonna do?" Apollo said

"For now we should discus how Riptide gain those 3 long lost treasures." Ares said

"He has the Pelt of the Calydon Boar and Tauropolos which is belongs to my treasures." Artemis said

"So how did you lost them sis?" Apollo asked Artemis

"Will it's because the first owner of those two items was Atalanta. Plus I have no more connection with Atalanta anymore ever since her death when Mealeger stop her going berserk and Mealeger died in the hands from his mom." Artemis said

"I see so you assume that it was now already destroyed long time ago it seems understandable." Athena said "What about that shepherd staff-scythe like weapon?" Athena continued

"He said immortal killing weapon that even the gods, titans and primordial feared in that weapon." Hephaestus said and looks at to Hermes "Hermes do you know anything about that weapon." He continued

"Yes he is he did say we all should be more afraid on that weapon."Ares said then suddenly

"We all should be how can you all forget about the face on that weapon!!" Hermes yelled on them

"Hermes what do you mean we all forget that weapon?"Zeus said

"And why we all should be feared on that weapon?" Athena asked

" Oh for Hades sake not you to." Hermes response

"Hermes would care to explain to us." Hera said

"Shepherd staff-scythe weapon has a name 'Immortal Killing : Harpe' as it's name that weapon is made to kill immortal even if you are a divinity." Hermes said and everyone in the room was shaking in fear "You already forgotten it you see the first Perseus gave that weapon to me after he killed the Gorgon Medusa. After learning it has the ability to kill immortals we decided to secure it and keep on guard on my vault were no one can find." He continue and the council was surprise that how come that they forget something like this.

"Wait.. it's still confusing." Hades said and everyone look on to him.

"What do you mean by that brother?" Hestia asked

"Hermes just said he put it on the vault, his vault the the question is. How did Riptide has the weapon like now? We already saw him wielding it so how he get it?" Hades said and everyone in the room started to looked at Hermes.

"Don't look at me I know I should be blamed on how the weapon is stolen in my vault and blame yourself as well that you forgotten it. I also told this long time that it was stolen ever since the fall of troy." Hermes said 

"So how did he have it now?" Ares asked

"That is I don't know. But luckily I know a knew some information on it on whose the owner on that weapon and I considered this theory of mine." Hermes said

"What theory?" Athena said

"My theory is whoever is the owner of the weapon and the one who stole it in the vault is same." Hermes said

"So whose this culprit?" Apollo asked

"The Primordial God of Sky, The Personification of Heaven, The Father of all Titans, The first King of Olympus, and our great great Grandfather Ouranos." Hermes said and everyone in the room was now shocked to hear this information

"Hermes you can't be serious that's a joke right, you're kidding right I mean Ouranos was defeated long time ago." Zeus said

"You mean to stay he was scattered. Like Percy did to Kronos and Gaea though I unsure whether the effects of scattering are permanent." Hermes said

"So you mean to say he will reform anytime huh." Artemis said and Hermes nodded "So you also meant that Ouranos found Riptide as wel-" Artemis stop from her words "Hold on somethings not right." Artemis continued and everyone in the room looked at her.

"What is it?" Hermes asked

"I mean if Ouranus was already reform shouldn't he going to you know take father's throne here and from the looks of it was weird that he never attack now that he had his weapon. More importantly can someone like him to be trusted that he just let his weapon borrowed to Riptide? Isn't that confuse us all." As Artemis said those word everyone was now speechless on her statement.

"Or maybe he could be a spy and possibility that he gain a human form from his blood like how the furies is form." Athena said and everyone in the room was now more shocked to hear this.

 "Athena you're kidding there's no way that could happen Riptide is also desperate to look for Percy." Poseidon said 

"I don't want to believe it either like I said he could be a spy or he is not Riptide." Athena said

"Then if he is why would he do that?" Aphrodite asked

"Do what Aphrodite?" Artemis asked

"He knows about the prophecy on how to find Percy Jackson then why did he gave the 1st glitter of a goddess to my son Mitchell." Aphrodite said and everyone in the room went silent

"That's not all he also shown some anger when Kevin mocked that his mother was part of the hunt." Dionysus said

"Well whatever he's up to needs to be watch, someone should watch his action before we could make a judge." Zeus said as everyone looked at him. "I'm already confuse enough maybe we could act like never know about this and if he is a spy of Ouranos then we should be ready if a war is about to happen." Zeus said and everyone nodded

"But the question is who?" Apollo said

"I think the son of Aphrodite will do it." Artemis said

"Are you sure about that?" Aphrodite said

"Well knowing that he is very attractive already distracted me the most even though I swear to stay maiden for all eternity I think he's better." Artemis said as she feels embarrass

"Seems like he really is your type huh. fufufu. Not to mention I'm also attracted to him" Aphrodite said as she giggles

"Oh all of us here does." Dionysus said and everyone is looking at him

"Dionysus how do you that?" Hermes said as he was embarrass

"Well when the first time he came in the camp every campers was looking at him like they want to taste him even my children as well of course that includes me, and I do have a hunch that you guys would the same if you see him and I was right. Fuhuhuhuhu." Dionysus said and everyone starting to feel awkward and yell in embarrassment.

Somewhere in the sky in Ouranos floating Island Percy felt something

"AaaaChoooooo" Percy sneeze

"My goodness child are feeling cold or something?" Ouranos asked

"Something does feel that I have to be more ready than I taught." Percy said

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