Chapter 16

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Okay in this chapter I was thinking about making the camp and the olympians reaction, knowing that 'Riptide' is actually the long lost hero Percy Jackson.

So I decided to make a suprise chapter on what will be there reaction/s.

" " : Normal talk
[ ] : Loop of Time talk


Everyone's Pov.

As the Olympians flashed right away in the camp knowing that the long lost hero Percy Jackson has found.

"Chiron where is he?" Poseidon said

"Actually they haven't arrive yet m'lord we just knew because lots of glowing green small lights appears." Chiron said

"I see but still we have to know how is he?" Poseidon said

"Everyone is now a the Amphitheater waiting to use the 'Iris Message'." Chiron said

As they are now in the Amphitheater the gods sit along with there children (Asclepsius is also here and he sit along in the Apollo children) and they started the 'Iris Message' then they saw Mitchell and Riptide wondering the Isle

[Hey look over there it's a glowing orb means it's the final glitter we can easily get.] Mitchell said

[I believe it's not easy to get it.] I said

[Why I mean look at it no one else is here but us only why do you say that.] Mitchell said

"Yeah why it couldn't be." One of the Athena children said

[The final glitter has another name 'Uncertainty About The Future' an unpredictable choice to make in order to get it you must prove yourself and make a choice Mitchell.] I said it to him

"That's one tricky glitter." Piper said

[What do you mean to say?] Mitchell said then saw Riptide release the silver shield and a blue spear.

"What is he going to do." Thalia said

"Those weapons; those are Achilles shield and spear." Hermes said

['The Miniature World Enclosed by the Azure Sky : Akhilleus Kosmos',  'Spear-tip of the Star 'Traversing the Skies : Diatrekhon Aster Lonkhe' hear my call and obey my order.] Riptide said as he created a field.

"What's going on in there." Grover said

[In order for you to get the final glitter you must beat me in the fight I am protector of the 3rd glitter. The field that I created is a field were no one can see and hear us now come and fight me child of love.] Riptide said as he prepare to fight and everyone was intense to see it.

"Oh no Mitchell." Piper said as she starting to get worried

"I knew I couldn't trust that guy." Annabeth said

[But let me asked you first.] Mitchell said and everyone starting to confuse on he asked.

"What is he going to asked." Clarrise said

[You're the long lost hero of the Olympus right. You are Percy Jackson right.] Mitchell said and everyone was surprise.

"Say what he is Percy." Hades said

"Indeed he is." Chiron said

"You already know about this Chiron."Poseidon said

"Yeah he told me right away in the Big House I promise to him not tell everyone." Chiron said

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