Chapter 17

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Percy Pov.

As we finally arrive home back to the camp and I immediately notice that they are staring at me as if they are surprise. Then I saw Chiron walk towards me.

"Riptide they know now that you are Percy." Chiron said

"I see." I said and then "You know weren't you guys told it's rude to stare." I said it to everyone

"Very rude to stare in my ass, lying and pretending to everyone whose still close to you is more rude than staring." Clarrise said as she was very flustered and mad on me.

"Okay I'm sorry, but really I have not you guys not to get involved." I said she pouted as she looks away in me.

"Oh by the way Percy the gods wants to talk to you in the Amphitheater." Chiron said

As I go towards in the Amphitheater I saw the gods was now in front of me with there children including Lord Asclepius as well.

"So what do you want to know first." I said and lady Artemis is about to speak

"Perseus why did you pretend to be Zoe's son." Artemis asked

"That I never wanted it from the beginning also she is just like a mom and I already see her as mom, also she is knows from the very beginning that I wasn't happy enjoying in every battle and she was there always caring to me giving me warm and respect. That's why I see her as mom." I said and Artemis feel relieve that he never uses the name of her former huntress for fun.

"Uhm... Percy we continue to ask you some can you please return to your original look. All of us here already know who you are no need to disguise anymore." Hestia said

"Ahmm... This is exactly my true face the thing that you've seen before is the real disguise." I said in dense look and everyone went gobsmacked.

"Say what." Artemis said

"For real." Hestia said

"He's saying the truth." Apollo said

"Okay... okay... Now where were you in this passed 15 yrs?" Zeus asked

"Simple to papa's home." I response and they look at to my father Poseidon

"I taught you said you disowned him." Hera said

"I did and of course what I say to you all in the council are all fact and I feel bad about too." Poseidon said

"So you already told them what you did to me huh... at least good know... good to know." I said and Poseidon is also confuse as well.

"Percy what do you mean that you are... uhm... let's just say that you are in your other father's house." Hermes said

"It couldn't be Paul because we also learn that you never go to their house, yet we only learn you keep sending some presents." Athena said and then she realizes something and asked again. "Persues Jackson where did you get the 'Harpe'." Athena asked and the Olympians was surprise.

"So you finally realized indeed the the papa that I meant is Papa Ouranus the Primordial God of Sky and he is the real owner of this weapon." I said as I summon the 'Harpe' to them and all of a sudden a flash of blue light appears in front of me. It was a woman in a very youth look, with long black hair, pale skin and wears a blue dress with gold ornaments on it.

 It was a woman in a very youth look, with long black hair, pale skin and wears a blue dress with gold ornaments on it

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"Mother what are doing in and in your real appearance."Hestia said and all of a sudden.


The Titan slap me in the face and I think I know why and everyone in the Amphitheater got there jaws hitting the floor even the gods as well.

"You've got some nerves showing your face here and you're evenly pretending to one of my children's children what do you have to say for yourself!!" Grandma Rhea was mad at me and I can't blame her.

"Mom... Mom... Mom that's Percy Jackson my lost son that I disowned 15 yrs ago." Poseidon said

"What? Poseidon are you sure about that." Rhea said as she looks at my father

"Indeed mom that's Percy." Poseidon response

"How can you be so sure that you are Percy Jackson." Rhea said as she looks at me in furious rage

"I swear in the River of Styx I'm actually Percy Jackson." I said then a lightning rumbles and disappears and nothing happens to me. "Was that enough Grandma." I said and she was surprise and feel bad I understand her.

"Oh my god I'm so very sorry grandson." Rhea said as she hugs me

"That sure is surprise." Hestia said and then she feels a dark aura that somehow the mix of sad and jealousy on Poseidon "Ahm... Poseidon is there something wrong?" Hestia ask his brother

"Nothing sis it's just that I'm jealous of my son I mean it's been in millennia that I already forgotten mother's warm hug before." Poseidon said and understands what he means.

"I'm really so sorry grandson it's just that." Rhea said

"I know grandma and... Ow... That sure is hurts." I said as I touches my left check where I received the slap on grandma.

"Hahahahahhahahahhaahah...... Oh my god... Sorry about that again son I'll be there in a flash." A mysterious voice came out of no where then a flash of light appears in the Amphitheater came down. Then they saw a handsome man with black hair, green eyes, pale skin and in the black clothing.

 Then they saw a handsome man with black hair, green eyes, pale skin and in the black clothing

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"Who are you?" Zeus ask

"Hello to you all I'm Ouranos the Primordial god of sky it's finally nice to meet you all my grandchildren." Papa Ouranos said

"Lord Ouranos is that really you?" Athena ask

"He really is granddaughter he is your 'Great great grandfather'." Rhea said as everyone now at the camp in the battle position.

"Drop your weapons now my grandchildren and grand niece and nephews I no longer have a desire to rule Olympus again." Papa Ouranus said then he looks at me and suddenly.

"Percy I miss you are you okay you shouldn't made Papa worried that much." Papa Ouranos said as runs towards me and gave an ups-a-daisy and everyone went shocked that once a cruel tyrant un-fatherly emperor in Olympus before now it became a jolly sweet fatherly figure.

"Lord Ouranos is that really you." Hera said

"Father what happen to you." Rhea said

"Did you miss papa Percy tell me." Papa Ouranos said

"Papa didn't I visit you in these past 3 days and you already miss me that now." Percy said and everyone is very surprise and Artemis realize something

"Gasp!!!" Artemis gasps and everyone is looking at her.

"Sister what's going on?"Apollo said

"The 2nd line of the prophecy look at them they same faces." Artemis said and everyone was now in shocked.

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