Chapter 21

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Mitchell Pov.

How in the world did this happen if I remember correctly when the party is held on Olympus I saw everyone is happy and joy of the hero finally returns.


I was outside in the balcony I saw everyone is enjoying the party I saw the gods happily celebrating for the hero returns, he accepts all the apologies from those people who betrayed him, he is now claims again from his father and he asked my mother to be with me and my mom happily agrees on it as long he never make me cry. This party is not about him either it's also for the return of the sky in Olympus.

Though I still can't believe the boy I've meet before was him who grew up more and taller than me and I'm now glad I meet him again. Because he is also my first love and this I will never leave you again.

Flashback ends:

But how did it end up like this we are now at the sky island of nowhere and only the two of us alone there is also a big bed on it were we sitting on it.

"What's wrong are you embarrass." Percy said

"No it's just that I'm a little shy." I response

Smirking coyly, Percy touches his lip to his hand and giggle a bit that made Mitchell face went even more red than ever.

"Come here." Percy calls out

Mitchell moves forward shyly, then Percy immediately grabs his arms. Their face were now close and erratic beating of their hearts of their hearts gave everything away then Percy moves his lips to Mitchell's ear and says

"I want to kiss you". Making Mitchell blushing and breathes hoarsely "What's stopping you"

Cupping Mitchell's face with his hands, Percy crashed his lips against his lover's and begun to kiss him feverishly. He sucks and nibbled those red lips and plunged his tongue inside his mouth, exploring every corner. Their tongue clashed and battle furiously, their kiss turning more hungry, more deadly. Taking Mitchell's hand , Percy placed it over his enlarge manhood and whispered "Can feel the effect you have on me, Mitchell?"

Unable to answer, Mitchell squeezed Percy's phallus gently earning to groan from him.

"Let's continue then" Percy whispered. Mitchell readily agreed.


Percy pushes Mitchell on the bed and climbed over him.

"Are you ready for this to create love Mitchell." He whispers huskily and resumed kissing his sweet mouth. His lips then traveled towards the throat as Mitchel let out an erotic moan.

Mitchell's arm circled around Percy's body and he begun to rub his stiff member against his. Mitchell wanted more and more. He needed to to feel Percy's body without any barrier between them. He found himself Percy taking of his clothes as his body ached with bursting need.

Percy grabbed Mitchell clothes too and take off everything at once. As the are now naked they lay down against each other in the bed. Mitchell sat up as he pushed Percy down on the sheets with his legs wide open. Percy large manhood stood erect proudly with vein surrounding it all around. Nothing has mesmerized Mitchell as this sight lowering his head Percy's thighs, he stuck out his tongue and tentatively licked engorged penis. When Percy gave a groan of delight, Mitchell took the full length inside his mouth and begun sucking the the delicious rod in an act of fellatio.

"Ah... Uhh!" Percy moaned with pleasure as Mitchel licked and sucked his penis while gently playing his balls.

"Mi - Mitchel!" Percy gasped in ecstasy

"I'm - I'm -" Percy never completed his words.

With a cry of pure joy, he released a load of semen into Mitchel's mouth, who swallowed the milky fluid greedily, not wasting a  drop. Yet Percy wasn't sated. He pushed Mitchell down and grabs both of his slender legs, he then wrapped Mitchell's leg around his waist and places insatiable manhood on the entrance of Mitchell's virgin hole.

"Are you ready?" Percy muttered and Mitchell nods

"Make love to me Percy" Mitchell response

This words make Percy spine shivers. Without further hesitation he plunged his enormous dick inside Percy's tight depth all at once. Mitchell let out a painful cry at the unfamiliar intrusion, but when the pain subsided, his cries turned to that of infinite pleasure. Then Percy begun rocking gently Mitchell gasped and moaned savoring the feel of Percy going in and out of his funnel.

"Harder... Harder...!" Mitchell Gasped

Percy didn't need to be told twice he now begun to pound Mitchell's hole like a starved beast. He thrust it harder and harder while Mitchell screamed his name, clutching the bed sheet tightly in his fists.

"Ah! Ahh... Mitchell!" Percy cried out of pleasure

With one final thrust, his hot seed burst forth from his dick and began to fill Mitchell's hole. Who let out a scream of ecstasy as he experienced his very first orgasm. His sperm squirted out and fell all over his chest and stomach.

Percy pulls out Mitchell and begun to lick his semen from his body until he was clean.

"I love you, My dear Angel." Percy said

"And I love you too my Destroyer." Mitchell said

Then they fall a sleep so peacefully.

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