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"Stay out of this Lisa, this is between me and my sister."

She sounded very upset

"She is my girlfriend and I won't let you hit her again. I swear to you if I see any mark on her face, I'm suing you."

I should applaud this woman.

I had to face my big sister, hiding was only gonna make everyone believe all this was true.

I wiped the tear that had escaped from my left eye and came forward.


"Get your filthy hand off me!" I snapped, pulling my hand away. I looked up and met my sister's burning gaze.

"Do you realize what you just did?"

"Shin-ae, I don't know what she's talking about."

"Stop with the lies already!"

"You also believe she's telling the truth? You really think I'm pregnant?"


"You've known me since I was a kid, I shared everything with you. We live in the same house, does any of this make sense to you?!"

At this point, I couldn't hold the tears back.

"Yes, maybe I don't know you that well and don't act like some kind of saint."

She said with tears in her eyes.

"Shin-ae, this is all a lie! Can't you see that?"

Did Lisa cast a spell on everyone?

"Stop already, don't you have any shame left in you? She is older than you and worse she is my best friend's fiancé."

"Was and don't talk to her like that."
Lisa corrected stepping forward.

"Can you please not say anything?"
I said looking up at her face.

"I can't just stand here and watch her speak to you like that."
She said with concern, fake concern.

"What do you think mom and dad are gonna say?"

"I'm going to explain everything to them, at least they will believe me."
I said giving her a hard look at the end.

"You're a tramp."
She said in disgust and walked away.

I dug my nails into my palms, I might just burst into flames from the anger consuming me.

"Are you okay?"

Lisa asked leaning closer to my right ear. I clenched my fists and turned around and punched her in the nose.

"I. Hate. You."

I said within gritted teeth.

She touched her nose and stared at me like she wasn't expecting that from me.

"Hello everyone, can I have your attention, please. I'm sincerely sorry for everything going on, sorry you had to witness this. I'm deeply sorry, I hope you forgive us for wasting your valuable time."

I turned around to look at who was speaking and saw Lisa's mom standing behind the pulpit at the altar.

"You can return to your various homes, thank you for coming."

People stood up and started leaving the church but not before looking at us.

Some went to speak to her mother and others smiled at us as they left.

"She is lying!!! I swear on my ancestors' grave I am not pregnant. If there's any gynecologist here, you're free to...."

"Please stop, we have done enough. No more hiding, we can be happy now."

Her 💔 L-I-E-S❣️ (JenLisa 💓)Where stories live. Discover now