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I parked the car in front of the hospital and looked at my face in the mirror before coming out of the car.

I walked to the receptionist in the lobby wearing a smile.

"Hi, where can I find Mrs. Juliet Manoban?"

"When was she brought here?"

"This morning."

She typed loudly on the keyboard with her long fingers, her nails were painted blue with tiny white daisy flowers for extra details.

"And who are you to her?"

"A family friend."

"8th floor, room 25."

"Okay, thanks."

I smiled at her but she didn't return it, her grey eyes looked annoyed.


She gave me a visitor's card.

I went straight to the elevator filled with three nurses and a small kid.

I searched for room 25 when I got to the 8th floor, it was down the hallway at the left.

I adjusted the jeans I was wearing and the big beige knitted sweater.

I opened the door and every head turned to my direction.

"Hi everyone."

I said with a small wave and shut the door.

Nana came to hug me, Esther smiled at me from where she sat reading a gossip magazine.

Lisa didn't spare me a look, she sat next to her mom holding her like if she let go she'd lose her.

Mrs. Manoban was still asleep, she looked pale.

"How is she?"

I asked Nana.

"She is better, the Doctor said she will be discharged tomorrow, don't worry it was nothing serious."

I took a glance at Lisa, she was still holding her hand and staring at her face.

"SHe hasn't said a word since we got here."

Nana whispered.

"You should take her out for a little air, I'm sure she'd listen to you."

"Uhm...I don't think she will want that, maybe later."


I walked to Esther and sat next to her on the brown couch.

"Hey, you didn't go to school today?"

"Mom is sick."

We stayed till she woke up. We spoke to her for an hour before a nurse came and informed us to leave, so she could rest.

"You guys head home, I will drop mom off tomorrow before I leave for work."

Lisa spoke for the first time since I arrived.

"Goodnight, Jennie."

Esther waved and trailed behind the Chauffeur.

"Take good care of yourself and the baby."

Nana hugged me and gave me a kiss, she did the same to Lisa before leaving.

I slumped on the nearest seat and ran my palms down my thighs to my knees.

My limbs felt numb and my back ached from today's event. I leaned back on the seat and allowed my shoulders to relax.

SHe took the seat next to me, I felt her eyes on me. I turned my face away and watched a male nurse play with a small boy that looked three, so cute.

Her 💔 L-I-E-S❣️ (JenLisa 💓)Where stories live. Discover now