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We returned home after spending two weeks at the suite. Jarvis still had two weeks break, so we had the house to ourselves.

I promised to make dinner tonight, well it was a dare from Lisa to see if her hard work paid off.

We went for a swim first, goosebumps grew on my skin immediately I entered the pool, it was darn cold.

There was a jacuzzi at the other side of the pool, we moved there and sat in the jacuzzi drinking Champagne and sharing stupid jokes we found funny.

"Okay, I got one"

I raised a finger after laughing at her joke.

"Hit me," SHe smirked.

"So, there was this lady who was cheating on her husband every time he went to work, here is what the husband did when he started noticing it."


"He would call her every day and ask her to turn on the blender to know if she was home."


"Stupid right? Well, he decided to call their son one day and he asked the boy, 'where is your mom?' And he was like, 'she left the house with the blender'."

We both laughed out loud.

(Sorry if you don't find the joke funny😂)

We stayed in the jacuzzi till it got dark and took a shower together, which of course wasn't just washing bodies.

Lisa sat at the island watching me as I tried to make Sushi.

"Call me if you need help."

"I got this."

I told her with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, right."

SHe scoffed and looked back at the laptop in front of her.

There was a crash from the living that stole our attention.

"What was that?"

I asked, dropping the spatula in my hand and replacing it with a frying pan.

"Wait here."

SHe gave me that, 'Don't you dare go against me' look.

I rolled my eyes and trailed behind her with the frying pan in my hand.

One of the expensive ceramic vases in the living room was shattered on the floor.

"She is here."

I said behind her, her head snapped back like she didn't notice I was following her.

"I told you to stay in the kitchen."

SHe said with a clenched jaw.

"She won't get away tonight."

I told her with a tough look, I tried to walk past her but she gripped my arm and pulled me back.

"Ruby, " she groaned.

"Like I will listen to you, we might as well do this together. Use your muscle, I got this to hit her big head."

I raised my weapon to demonstrate.

SHe chuckled and shook her head at me.

"How sure are you it's Rosé? Maybe the vase just fell on its own."

SHe said.

"Yeah, or a ghost is in the house, huh?"

I said sarcastically.

Her 💔 L-I-E-S❣️ (JenLisa 💓)Where stories live. Discover now