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"Sorry, I got carried away."

Hae said when he pulled away, he bit his lips with a smile.

I just nodded unable to say a word, my heart was racing and my lips still felt warm from the sudden kiss.

"Goodnight, Jennie."

He stared at me briefly before turning around to leave.

"Goodnight, Hae."

I managed to let the words out when he reached the door.

"What just happened?"

I asked myself immediately as the door closed.

"Why did....oh my God..."

I looked around me searching frantically for my phone.

"You kissed him back you idiot, you kissed him back."

I mumbled as I laid on the bed still doing my search.

"Where is the stupid phone?!"

I screamed in frustration.

Lo and behold the stupid phone was right beside me, I grabbed it and dialed my best friend.

"Pick up the phone, Jisoo."

I tried her again but she didn't answer the call. I groaned and buried my face in my palms.

"Why did I turn? I should have stopped him."

I cried out frustrated. Jin? Jin!

"It was an accident, we were two adults lost in the moment, that's it."

I convinced myself.

I groaned again not sure of what to do about my situation, I didn't know how Hae was taking it, he was the one that took the kiss further anyway.

I wished I knew what he was thinking, a light knock on my door made me jump.

"Jennie, are you awake?"

I heard Lisa's voice.

Did Haein tell her? I reached to turn off the headlamp but the door opened, I pulled my hand away and stared at Lisa.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

SHe asked, cocking her perfectly carved left eyebrow.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

I turned the question back to her.

"Why aren't you dressed for bed?"

"I was busy."

"Doing what?"

"Kissing your best friend"

"Playing sudoku."

SHe chuckled, shaking her head.

To be honest, I despised that game, my mom used to force my sister and I to play it, she said it was good for the brain.

"Do you need help?"

"I thought you were tired?"

"Yeah but you're in my care so..."

"I'm good," I cut in.

"Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight." I breathed out in relief as she turned to leave.

I reached for my phone and tried Jisoo again but she still wasn't answering my calls.

I held my head in my palms, I wanted to sort this out before tomorrow and I needed Jisoo's advice.

Her 💔 L-I-E-S❣️ (JenLisa 💓)Where stories live. Discover now