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I turned around only to meet Lisa, she was smiling but at the same time glaring at me.

Rosé came and took Hae-in away saying she wanted him to meet someone, wrong timing girl.

I was left with Lisa who looked very furious.

SHe dropped her remaining wine on a nearby table and grabbed my arm, pulling me to the exit with her.

I didn't want to create a scene so I decided not to struggle but I stood my ground when we got to the parking lot.

I pulled away from her hold making her stop, she loosened her tie and faced me.

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"It's my hobby." I shrugged coolly.

"Get in the car." SHe said with an icy stare.

"But we just got here, it's your best friends engagement party. We can't just leave, you didn't even inform him we're leaving."

SHe walked to the car and entered ignoring everything I said.

"Seriously?" I grunted.

"I'm not leaving," I said, crossing my arms.

"I will tell you what you need to know."
SHe said calmly.

"Okay," I said and entered the car.

The ride was quiet, I noticed how she was clenching and unclenching her hands around the wheel, she hadn't said a word since we left.

I took a glance at her, her face hardened then softened like she was fighting her emotions.

"I don't even know why you're upset, I didn't get the answer I wanted."

"I warned you to stop, you don't have to know who she is, Goddamnit! You don't have to know everything, Jennie!"

Oh, now we were back to Jennie? Okay.

"Why can't you tell me? I opened up to you about my past."

"I never asked you to!"

SHe snapped, turning to look at me with cold eyes.

"For once, why can't you do as you're told? My past or personal life is none of your business!"

SHe yelled.

"I care about you and If you need my help then..."

"The only help I need from you is to convince my family that we're in love and you're carrying my baby." SHe cut in.

"I thought since we have something going on between us you'd open up a bit to me!"

"Something? Between us?"

SHe said like those words sounded strange to her, she took a glance at me, her ocean eyes were mocking me.

"Are you still that dumb and desperate kid who doesn't know the difference between lust and love? We have nothing between us, Jennie. I thought after your ugly experience with your exes, you'd be more sensible on that topic."

That had to be the first thing someone said to me that left me completely speechless and numb, all those words struck me like lightning.

I tried to find my breath, my emotions were complicated and not readily verifiable, I squeezed my knees and tried to get myself together, how could someone break me with just words.

It hurt, it really hurt, she called me a desperate kid, that was what she saw me as. I felt a vast yearning, I didn't know what it was yet.


Her 💔 L-I-E-S❣️ (JenLisa 💓)Where stories live. Discover now