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Lisa's eyes were impassive as I stared into them, I couldn't believe what she just said. SHe saw it and she called it hideous. Did it look that horrifying?

I gave her the meanest look I could muster up and turned away. I ran out of the kitchen with tears blinding my vision as I ran up the stairs to get to my room.

I shut the door and leaned on it then slid slowly to the ground, I tried to stop the sound escaping my lips but I couldn't.

Hideous mark?

I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them tightly as the tears kept falling, I sat there crying for a long time.

I stood up and walked to my closet, I brought my clothes out and pushed them inside my suitcase.

Why did I even agree to help her? Ohh yes because I was dumb and believed I had a good heart. All I could think about right now was proving her wrong. First by getting a pregnancy test and getting a lawyer but I had a problem, I was broke.

I stopped and slumped on the bed with frustrated tears, I had nowhere to go and I had no money. I brushed my hair back with my hands and laid on the bed. I had no idea if anyone would hire me after the news.

I felt more insecure about the mark on my back now, she called it hideous.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

My clothes were all over the floor when I woke up. I groaned and stayed back in bed arguing with myself if I should leave the room, my stomach grumbled.

I skipped dinner last night, maybe she ate it all alone while I cried my eyes out. I stared at the ceiling like it could tell me what to do, my door opened and Lisa walked in with a tray packed with breakfast.

As much as I wanted to jump and dance in joy for the treat, I stopped myself and glared at her as she approached my bed.

"Morning." SHe said with a smile that looked fake to me.

I eyed her and got down from the bed, I left the room not saying a word to her.

I was sad Jarvis was not back, I wanted her to fix me something to eat. I wasn't that good at cooking, I rubbed my stomach as I opened the fridge.

I grabbed the strawberry jam and four slices of bread. I made myself some coffee which tasted very bitter. I sat at the Island and put some jam on the bread.

Lisa walked into the Kitchen and dropped the tray in front of me. I shall not fall into temptation.

"I made you a proper breakfast."

I pretended not to hear her.


I held the table knife tightly when she called me that.

I wasn't planning on talking to her, she should try harder. I ate the bread and jam pretending to enjoy it as I hummed and moved my head side-to-side.

"Seriously?" SHe asked.

I moaned as I took a sip from my bitter coffee I badly wanted to spit out.

"Fine, do whatever you want. I have tried to be nice anyway." SHe said and left the kitchen.

Nice? SHe really needed medical help.

I ran to the sink and poured everything. I rinsed my mouth and leaned on the counter. My stomach grumbled, I glared at my stomach and sighed.

Three days now and Lisa and I weren't talking, she really didn't care. We ate together but never spoke to each other, Jarvis felt uncomfortable every time he served us.

Her 💔 L-I-E-S❣️ (JenLisa 💓)Where stories live. Discover now